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I would make this it's own thing but I feel like I should stop doing that and just post a bunch of chapters. If I feel I need to say anything I'll do stuff like this or an Authors note.

Now, let's get on with the story. Btw, I forgot what day it's supposed to be so just bear with me here -w-

United Nations (UN) POV

Two days.

EU has been missing for two days straight.

On top of that, one of the strongest countries in the world is in the hospital and we don't know if he'll survive. Russia is stressed because he has to run two different countries at the same time, and another country said that they'd declare war if the Soviet people didn't give them what they wanted. I managed to talk them out of it but that doesn't mean they're not still pondering it.

Every country in the world is now helping to look for EU. Russia and his siblings are getting a lot of sympathy, but Russia however isolated himself from most of them; Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and Estonia are the only siblings of his who can talk to him.

What about Ukraine? Turns out when they got to school a country told them, "Sorry about your dad." America admitted to telling everyone and Ukraine got angry. He accused Russia of telling America and they got into a huge fight that ended with Russia stomping off.

Meanwhile I'm sitting here on my bed staring at my feet and silently having a panic attack. I heard NATO come inside and sit next to me. "UN, we'll find him I promise. Come on, it's not like you to be late to school."

I looked at him. My eyes were red and puffy from crying myself to sleep and from crying this morning. "Where is he...?" I asked in a voice just above a whisper.

NATO hugged me. "I'm sure he's okay... We'll find him I promise."

I nodded and sighed. NATO managed to get me off my bed and had me get dressed. He left the room for that. I stared at my clothes and finally picked out an outfit.

Time skip

By the time I got to school countries were already heading inside. I sighed and extended my wings. NATO followed me as I flew up to the roof, which is the closest area to my class. I walked inside and into my classroom. The teacher was already there and greeted me when I came in.

"Hello UN, you're here later than usual." She said.

NATO peeked his head inside the classroom. "He's really upset, didn't even want to come to school today."

"If it's about EU we're doing the best we can. I'll try contacting some hospitals at the end of the day, is that okay UN?"

I nodded and sat in my seat. "Bye NATO."

"See ya UN."

I pressed my head onto the desk. I had a feeling something bad will happen among the countries.

Today will be a long day.

North Korea POV

I was sitting on the front steps of the school waiting for China. Countries were already there and a few stared or glanced at me. I was tense and miserable, but I sat still and waited for China. Neither him or Taiwan were at the school so I was starting to get curious.

And a little scared.

I sighed and placed my chin in my hands, my elbows touching my legs. I was bored, uncomfortable, nervous, and scared.

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