Christmas Special

508 19 13

Meanwhile in another AU...

Third Person POV

The countries of the world were all invited to one big house, bigger than all of theirs combined. This was the property of UN, or United Nations.

They all showed up in small groups, each bringing their own kind of christmas food and drinks. UN had decorated his house, and all the countries agreed it was lovely. Unfortunately, not every country there celebrated Christmas. These include China, Russia, Soviet Union (or USSR), Thailand, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Mongolia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Egypt, Maldives, Tajikistan, Israel, and North Korea.

UN knew this, so he made an entire area where these countries can do whatever they want and not get annoyed or feel left out because they don't celebrate Christmas like the others. Soviet was teaching Russia a game that included vodka, Qatar and Egypt had a conversation about their people, Maldives, Israel, and Tajikistan gazed at the snow that was falling outside, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Morocco, Tunisia, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Taiwan were playing a board game they found in UN's cupboard, and China and North Korea were talking.

Eventually, America and Australia tumbled into the room and got the attention of everybody inside. UN quickly pulled them back out.

Not even five minutes later Third Reich, America, and Greece entered the room. Greece sat beside Turkey as he played the board game, and America and Third Reich stopped the Russians from playing that game with vodka and instead had conversations with cuddling.

North Korea stared at Russia and Soviet for a bit before turning back to China. But China wasn't there. North looked around the room before eventually spotting China behind Taiwan with a trumpet. China signaled for North to be quiet. North Korea smiled and got comfortable, ready to watch whatever happened.

China lifted the trumpet to his mouth and blew. Taiwan jumped five feet into the air and collapsed onto the board game, messing up the pieces and moving everyone from their spots. The countries playing didn't seem to mind, for they were laughing their heads off along with everyone else in the room. Taiwan's face went red and turned around. China was laughing as well, still holding the trumpet.

"You piece of crap!" Taiwan shouted and got up. China dropped the trumpet and sprinted around the room, followed closely by Taiwan. China was still laughing as Taiwan shouted curse words. "Get back here!"

All the countries in the room continued to laugh. "Это самое веселое, что у меня было за последние годы! (This is the most fun I've had in years!)" Soviet said between laughs.

"Erzähl mir davon! Ich wünschte, ich hätte es aufgenommen! (Tell me about it! I wish I recorded it!)" Third Reich said.

Russia, along with everyone else, was laughing too hard to be able to say something. A few countries from the other room poked their heads in to see what was going on, and this is what they'd see:

Taiwan chasing a laughing China around the room with 18 other countries laughing their heads off as well. The board game in the middle of the room was damaged a whole bunch, and North Korea had fallen off the couch so he was clutching his sides laughing.

Taiwan eventually caught China because China's laughing slowed him down. This was also the same moment UN and EU entered the room. Taiwan was shaking China back and forth yelling at him, but China wasn't listening. He could only think about Taiwan's face and how he jumped into the air, so he was still laughing during all of this.

UN broke the brothers apart and asked what was going on. Since everyone but Taiwan was laughing, Taiwan had to explain. "My 烦人的小弟弟 (annoying little brother) blew into a trumpet behind me while me and a few other countries played that board game right there. I jumped, obviously, and chased him around the room."

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