The Dragon Hero

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* Lucy saw that natsu was feeling sad about what they said about an incident in the cake shop *

Lucy: Natsu is everything okay you seem a little bit sad about something do you want to talk about it

Natsu: Lucy can I tell you anything

Lucy: well if you trust me enough then I'm here to listen but I will not force you to talk about something that you don't want to

Natsu: *looks at her with a sad face * I trust you Lucy and I want to tell you this since my other friends know about it as well

Lucy: alright then I will listen to you Natsu

Natsu: I'm sure that you didn't hear about the incident that happened five years ago right

Lucy: well I don't think so what happened five years ago

Natsu: well my father died that year while protecting the hunters that went out to gather supplies for the village

Lucy: *puts her hand on his hand gently * I'm really sorry about your loss Natsu

Natsu: * holds her hand gently *

Lucy: if it's alright can you tell me what exactly happened to your father but if it's to much for you I will force you to

Natsu: no I want to share this with you Lucy I trust you

Lucy: *doesn't say anything just keeps holding his hand *

Natsu: that day started out like any other having breakfast with my family doing some training with my dad and after we were all done with training he was called to the gate to lead the warrior team to keep watch over the hunters once the gate was open he was the first one to go through it as usual he was the one that went ahead to see if there was no danger he gave the signal to the hunters that they can come over the gate and they did they started hunting and everything went well they got all the supplies that the village needed for a month but then they came

Lucy: who is they

Natsu: dragon eaters a race that developed a long time ago and they have only one desire to eat dragon's one of the hunters got attacked by the dragon eaters and suffered some heavy injuries my father rushed to his aide and was able to save him while he was fighting the dragon eater his friends grabbed him and helped him get to the gate when almost everyone was through the gate my fathers best friend was staying behind so he can get trough as well but my father lost a lot of blood and he was too weak to make it to the gate with his last breath he fought to protect everyone in the village and he used the last of his power to keep fighting the dragon eaters and he said these words to his friends as he was fighting

Igneel: please get trough the gate I will not make it and please tell my son that I'm proud of him and I know that he will grow up to be a great man

Natsu: and these were my fathers last words before using his last roar to keep the dragon eaters from coming in the village my fathers friend passed trough the gate and told the priest to close it and he did when I heard what happened to my father I was heart broken the strongest warrior died on a mission I cried for days but my mother took it even worse she couldn't except that he was gone she spent every day in front of the gate and she died that year in the winter because she didn't eat or sleep up until that point I tried everything to get her home I even taken blankets to her warm food but it was all for nothing when a dragon finds their soulmate they can never find a new partner because when you find the one true partner you don't want anyone else and my mom was the same she lost her partner and she couldn't except that he was gone

Lucy: *stands up from the bench and hugs his face tightly as she strokes his head gently * it's okay you can let your tears out I will not tell anyone

Nalu The Dragon Warrior and The Dragon Priestess Where stories live. Discover now