The Strongest Couple

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Natsu: hey Lucy I want to take you to a good friend of mine he is the leader of the warriors team and he has been in a relationship with his partner for over 800 years maybe he can give us ideas on how to be a good couple

Lucy: I think that's a good idea since I really don't know what couples do together

Natsu: yeah same here and I want to ask the best person in the village for advice so do you want to go

Lucy: yeah we should go * smiles brightly *

Natsu: okay then Lucy let's go

Lucy: Natsu can you please call me Luna I don't want others besides from Erza and Gray and juvia to know my real name and that I'm with you because some way the fact that I'm with you will get into my fathers ears and he may take me away from you

Natsu: that will never happen Lucy but alright I can understand why you want me to call you by a different name

Lucy: thank you for understanding Natsu * she rubs her nose against his softly *

Natsu: okay then Luna let's go * holds her hand gently but firmly *

Lucy: okay then * she holds his hand tightly and walks close to him *

* they walk out the door and they walk trough the village and they arrive at a mansion that has a big gate with a dragon symbol on it *

Lucy: *looks at the huge mansion * this is even bigger than my families place

Natsu: it sure is because after they got together they had a few children and they even took in some unfortunate children that lost their parents or was left on the streets because they couldn't take care of them so this is a home for the strongest couple and for all the children that are looking for a place to call home

Lucy: they must be one amazing couple if they are doing something like that

Natsu: yeah they sure are * opens the gate and as he pushes the gate it doesn't make a sound * huh that's strange

Lucy: what do you mean

Natsu: well it didn't make a sound last time I was here it did

Lucy: maybe they fixed it

Natsu: yeah maybe you are right

* a blue dragon with sky blue scales land's in the front yard and looks at Natsu and Lucy *

Natsu: hey Blue is your mom and dad home * a little nervous *

Lucy: * holds his arm tightly *

Blue: of course they are I just got back from the market I had to by food for my siblings * walks in the front gate that is a massive stone door *

Natsu: great well then excuse us for coming in

Lucy: *is still holding his arms tightly *

* a female dragon with beautiful dark long hair walks up to them wearing a white shirt and a red skirt that covers most of her legs *

Flare: oh Natsu it's so nice to see you again * her voice was soft and calm *

Natsu: good day Flare I hope that we are not interrupting anything

Lucy: *let's go of Natsu arm after she heard her calming voice * it's an honor to meet you my name is Luna I'm Natsu's partner

Flare: it's nice to meet you Luna my name is Flare Booster I am the partner of Gear Booster the strongest warrior

Natsu: were is GB right now

Flare: as usual he is working on his stories while the kids are playing with his dragon tail I'm sure that he would be glad to see you again

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