Chapter 2

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Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 - London, England, United Kingdom

It's been months since the last time I appeared on any sort of WWE programming. I had been away getting ready for tonight. Tonight, was no doubt going to be one of the biggest moments of his entire career because tonight was his WWE Debut. And tonight, I was debuting in The Land of Opportunity, SmackDown Live. And just to add a bit more pressure, it was going to be in the legendary, O2 Arena. No one but my family and my close friend, Denzel "Red" Harris. Those that knew were definitely watching and those who didn't were gonna be surprised. Among the people, who didn't know was one of my close friends and the professional snooper in his life, Thea. She was so excited about her debut tonight with Andrade "Cien" Almas. Imagine her reaction, when I debut in the same tonight without her knowledge. 

Tonight was definitely gonna leave a mark on my family's legacy. I'm the first one to actually have success in the business as well as being up in the big leagues.

I walked into the arena with my "Triple Red" Beats Solo 3s were around my ears listening to music as I had my Black Nike bag on his back that happened to have the ring gear for the night in it. I wore his black skinny biker jeans with his black "Austin 3:16" shirt with his "Bred" Jordan 1s on my feet.  I even wore a simple gold Cuban Link around my neck with a gold Lion Head pendant with rubies in the eyes and mouth of the roaring lion. I had a matching gold Cuban Link on both of my wrist and had gold hoop earrings both of my ears.

"Damn, man are you trying to be a Rockstar?" I heard Shane McMahon say as Shane walked up beside him. I chuckled as I looked down at my feet. This was the second time, I had met "The Billion Dollar Prince of WWE" and both times we made it a habit to joke around with each other. 

Most people don't get it but I'm one of the guys who loves to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on sneakers alone and then on jewelry. And on my ring gear. In the words of "Prime Time" Deon Sanders himself: "You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you play good. You play good, they pay good".

"I gotta be. I gotta get the fans attention for something."

"You just make sure; you get their attention tonight in the ring."

"I will, don't worry." I said as I walked into the locker room.


I sat in the locker room now lacing up my black boots as I was geared up ready to debut sporting my ring gear with black with a red design on it. I wore a black hoodie vest with a white lion on the back of it with my ring name under it. Once I finished lacing up my boots, I stood up making sure to stomp down to make sure that my boots were truly laced. I walked to the bathroom to take a selfie in the mirror for my Instagram with a smirk on my face. I was definitely more toned than I was before and he was packing on about 10 more pounds than before, he was now 260 and was probably more athletic than he has been before.

I looked down at my phone and read the text from Shane, telling me it was time. I smiled as I walked out of the locker room getting ready to shock the world with my arrival.


".... Andrade "Cien" Almas is a legend in the making. You people don't deserve to see a superstar, to see an icon, to see a legend like him. You people are mere peasents to the King of-" She was saying until she was cut off by a music that she and the fans recognized. The fans cheer almost filled up the arena as they all stood on their feets.

"Icon" Hits

I walked out onto the stage with a smirk as I looked around to see the fans standing up on their feet cheering for me while the lights were going around in a different array of colors. I spit out his water in a mist as I then walked down the ramp locking eyes with Zelina and Andrade. Once I  reached the ringisde area, I looked into the crowd once more and walked onto the steel steps before entering the ring. I walked right past Andrade and Zelina making sure to bump into Andrade before I got up onto the turnbuckle to do my pose (The Randy Orton pose back from 2005 and 2006). I turned his head to look at Andrade as I jumped down from the turnbuckle and was handed a mic while the lights and my music faded off.

"Icon" Fades

"Zelina. Zelina. Zelina. Zelina. You were doing good for a minute until you said, the magic word. There is only one true King in the WWE and trust me baby, you're looking at him." He said as the fans cheered for me while I got into the face of the Business Manager of Andrade "Cien" Almas.

"Now, I didn't come always to London to sit in the back and listen to you run your pretty little mouth on and on about Andrade. And I'm pretty sure they ain't come here to see you talk. They came here to see a little bit of action, Am I right?" The fans cheered at me making me smile as I kept his gaze on her.

"With that being said, I want him in a match right now." I said with that same smile.

"Just remember when Andrade gives you the beating of your life, you asked for it, Baby." She said that last part with a bit of Puerto Rican spice making my smile widen as as a referee came running down the ramp before sliding into the ring while I took off my hoodie and tossed it off to the side while Andrade took off his top. Zelina exited the ring maintaining her stare of disdain on me.


As SmackDown Live came back off commercial break, the bell ring starting the match between the two newcomers.


My smile dropped as he looked across the ring at Andrade "Cien" Almas. Both Andrade and I locked it up in the center of the ring with me quickly getting the advantage due to the size and strength. I got Andrade up in a waist lock and quickly looking for an German Suplex but Andrade back elbows me on the way up causing me to release the hold. Andrade backed up before making a beeline to me looking for a clothesline but I ducked it and Andrade went to the ropes. As Andrade rebounds off the ropes, I knocked him down with a shoulder block. I looked down at Andrade before going to the ropes. Andrade kipped up before dropkicking me in the mouth causing me to drop down in the center of the ring. Andrade backed up into the corner looking around the crowd with his arrogant smirk. Zelina clapped her hand as she stood on the outside talking trash about Andrade's opponent AKA Me.

I sat up with a hand on my mouth checking for bleeding that is until Andrade came running towards me looking to hit me with a single leg basement dropkick to the mouth. Andrade looking for a cover.

2, Kick out 2 by me. I had rolled over on to my gut and started to get up but Andrade wanting to keep me down, he ran towards me and hit me with a kick to the head knocking me back down. I rolled out onto the apron as Andrade looked on. I used the ropes to help me up to my feet. Andrade ran towards me only for him to be hit with a forearm to the face making him fall back. I  ran to the top rope looking to hit Andrade with a crossbody. I held on for the cover.

Andrade using his amazing strength rolls over still holding onto me. He put me up for a vertical suplex slamming me down on my back. Andrade grabbed me and lifted me up to my feet and I hit him with a forearm to the face making him back into the ropes. I tried to whip Andrade into the ropes but Andrade pulled his famous rope spot making me look at him while I panted for his breath while Zelina posed under Andrade with her head resting on the palm of her hand.

"You wanna have a match or you wanna pose prettyboy?" I taunted as he did a "Bring It" taunt to Andrade. Andrade then ran towards me looking for a big boot but I ducked under it and went to the ropes. When I came off the ropes, I hit him with a clothesline that nearly knocked Andrade out of his boots. I grabbed Andrade by his hair and lifted him up before hitting him with a shot that backed him up against the ropes. A flurry of right hands to the face of Andrade "Cien" Almas. I then dragged him off the ropes and hit him with uppercut that sent him down on his back. I refused to give up the offense and I followed up with a barrage of stomps to the rib cage and abdomen of Andrade until the referee pulled me back.

Andrade had gotten on a knee and waited as I came over to him before he threw me between the ropes sending me to the outside floor. Andrade quickly taking advantage and ran to the ropes before sliding through with a slingshot dropkick between the middle and bottom rope making me back up away from Andrade. I ran towards Andrade only for Andrade to jump off the apron and hit me with moonsault sending both of us down to the arena floor. Andrade was the first man to get up to feet and run into the ring as the ref counted to 3. I struggled up to my feet but walked to the ring while Andrade distracted the referee allowing Zelina to hit me with a hurricanrana sending me crashing into the steel steps on the outside. She looked on with a evil smile as Andrade exited the ring restarting the referees count at 1. He walked over to me taking advantage of Zelina handy work and sending me in the ring. Andrade lifted me up to my feet and hit me with La Sombra (Hammerlock DDT) making my head bounce off the canvas. Andrade with the arrogant smile into the cover.

Thr-No, Kick out right before the 3 count. Zelina and Andrade looked at each other in shock while the fans cheered. Andrade got up to his feet and walked over to the ropes to try to strategize with Zelina. While they were talking I rolled him up with a School-Boy Roll Up making sure to hook the tights.



"Icon" Plays

Here is your winner: Ced" Greg Hamilton announced as I rolled out of the ring onto the arena floor raising my arms while Zelina got into the ring and started to yell at the referee. Andrade never lost his focus on me and started to trash talk me as I looked on with a smile and kept my arms raised while I went up the ramp.


I was walking backstage taking off my wrist tape as he stood in the interviewers area with a smile.

"Ced, I gotta ask, you been in the WWE for years now as a member of NXT. You are a 3-time NXT Champion, a NXT Superstar of the Year and a NXT breakout star of the year as well as a cornerstone in NXT. Not to mention, you're a 3rd generation superstar. But now after 4 years, you have made the jump to Smackdown, how does it feel?"

"Renee, let me show you something. Don't worry it ain't bad." I said as I lifted my forearm to show her the goosebumps on my arm.

"That's how it feels. For the past few hours, ever since I stepped foot into The O2 Arena, I've had goosebumps. Excitement coursing through my veins and tonight that excitement helped me win against Andrade in my debut match. Now I know Andrade's gonna be coming back for a rematch and Andrade, listen to me when I tell you this, tonight I simply did what I had to do to win but next time, I'm gonna kick your ass. And as for Zelina, when you want a real King, I'll be staying at the Marriott about a mile from here. Come see ya boy." I said with a wink before I walked out of the camera shot leaving Renee there alone.


I walked towards the locker room to see Thea standing there with annoyed look on her face. I chuckled as I walked towards her with a smile.

"You missed me?" I asked as I leaned on the door looking her in the eyes. She rolled her eyes and smacked me in the chest making me chuckle.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked as she repeatedly smacked me the chest making a red imprint appear while I looked on.

"I had to keep it secret. Besides don't act like you weren't shocked just like everyone. And in fact, I think I saw a little smile on your face during our promo. I think it came crept on to your face when I said "Pretty little mouth."

"I don't remember that but I think that was the first time you had ever called me pretty."

"I called you cute like a few months ago." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"What do you have planned tonight?" She asked.

"I'm going to go to my room, eat some food, workout and call it a night."

"Oh my god, you're so freaking boring. I don't understand for the way that you dress, the way that you talk, the way you carry yourself, that you're not at all about the rockstar life."

"Thea, on most occasions when I want to go out, you usually want to go relax in my room or your room but when I want to do the same, I get some backlash."

"Please, just go with me. Manuel is going out with Ashley, then me and Tom broke-up and I just don't want to be alone."

"Okay, Okay, Okay. I'll go out with you tonight."

"Yay." She said as she jumped up and hugged me. I chuckled as I lifted her up momentarily before placing her down on her feet. She smiled as she then slapped my chest once more time before walking away with a smile leaving me there to watch as she walked away. I shook my head before put my hand on the doorknob and walked into the locker room.

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