Bandages And Birthday Presents

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[ part 4]

He stares a bakugo one too seconds long before clearing his throat.

"oh h-hey bakubro, what are you doing here?"

"I just was walking through the village and I found this." He held up the red first aid bag that said kirishima on it. "Im thinking its yours."

"oh, thanks bro! do you wanna come in?"

bakugo nodded as kiri opened the door all the way. bakugo walked in slowly and sat in the chair at the table that was sitting in the middle of the room. Kirishima had went over to the bed and sat down placing the bag on his lap rummaging through it and finally finding the bandages. Then he placed the bag on the bed next to him, he then poorly started putting the bandage on. There was a soft growling noise coming from the other side of the room kirishima looked over to bakugo who looked like he was pissed off.

"do you want to say something?" kirishima had asked curiously.

Bakugo had got up from his chair and kneeled in front of kirishima and unwrapped the poorly placed bandage. Kirishima had winced when bakugo had, what felt like ripping the bandages off of his skin.

"ow! Hey what the hell man!"

"you where putting it on wrong dip-shit! You'd think after all this time of being a knight you would learn how to put on fucking bandages." he had wrapped it back up for kiri, but this time the right way. "there!"

He looked back up at kiri whose face was faced the other way the, the bit of kiris cheek that he could see was tinted rose. Bakugo had noticed he was in an awkward position and quickly stood up and faced the opposite way. He could feel his face start to heat up. damnit. Just then he remembered that he had brought something for kiri. He picked up the other small bag that he had brought. He threw it into kiris lap. Kiri was surprised. He didn't know what was in the bag, and to tell you the truth knowing bakugo he was kinda scared to see what it was.

"what is this?"

"it your present."

"WHAT?!" Bakugo rarely gave presents to anyone, the only person he ever gave presents to was his parents and that was only because he only got to see them once a year.

"you're not playing with me right?"

"if you dont fucking want it then I can take it back!!"

"no no no, I want it! I was just surprised."

He had slowly opened the bag and pulled out the first thing. It was his red bandana, kirishima had almost forgot that it was ripped during the battle between the demons and dragons, did he spend all day trying to sew it up, or did he pay someone to do it for him. At this point he didn't really care. A smile crossed his face.

"thank you bakubro!"

"there's another one in there. Its a new one. but its for your hair got it!"

He pulled out another bandana but instead of being red it was white with no designs. He had wrapped it around his head and showed it off to bakugo.

"how does it look?"

Kirishima was confused about bakugos face. He looked like he was pissed off, but his face was completely red, and he was sweating.

"are you okay bakugo?"


He put his hand to his face. All of his face tomato red. kirishima being concerned, went up to bakugo, kneeled down and felt bakugos forehead.

"you are really hot. Are you sure youre feeling ok?"

At that point bakugos face was a shade of red that I cant describe because I dont think its on the color wheel bakugo attempted to push kirishimas face away but he had stood up and walked over to bakugos bag. He opened it quickly and grabbed the key out of the bottom. Then he went back over to bakugo and picked him up princess style.

(To Be Continued)

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