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I rip my knife out of his throat, his blood bubbling out. He gurgles trying to speak, but the collection of blood filling his mouth prevents him. I stand up and sigh.

"You struggled way to much. It would have been faster and more painless." I say as I look at the mans face slowly grow paler by the second. His face and body going grey and his body becoming less productive.

I stand there, tapping my foot on the ground waiting for his body to become lifeless, but he seems to fight the urge to give up.

"Ughh I don't have time for this." I take my knife out of my back pocket and slam it down into his skull, automatically making his body still. The blood spatters up on my face creating red dots all over. I step on his chest and take the knife out, wiping it on his white shirt, creating streaks of crimson red on the fabric.

I take a handkerchief out of my back pocket and wipe my face and hands.

"Good thing I wore black."I say as I chuckle to myself.

I stuff the cloth back in my pocket and make my way out the alleyway. I join the people that nonchalantly walk down the pavement, minding their business.

Just then, I hear a blood curdling scream. Many people turn around and look at the horrified woman that had fallen on the floor and that pointed at the lifeless body in the alley.

"Right on que" I mumble to myself as I continue to walk. I smile to myself as I think about the people's faces grow worried when they see the corpse on the ground.

Why are people so scared of death? It's bound to happen anyway...

I shake my head and turn the corner to see red and blue lights flash in the distance. The sirens wail loudly, interrupting any other silence that was left.

I walk with a little pep in my step. I see police jumping out their cars and run down the streets and sidewalks. Ambulances start to arrive at the scene, taking out med-kits and a stretcher.

I've always wondered why they still try and save people even if all, if not most of their blood is already gone and they're not breathing. It's stupid to waste your time on weak people.

I shrug my shoulders, as if responding to someone. I continue to walk down the block until I reach a conveniently close motel. I walk in and go up to the counter.

"Just me."

The old woman nods and types up info in her computer. She hands me a binder and puts a pen next to it.

"Sign" she says, obviously upset about even being in the environment she's in.

I grab the pen and put Gabriel William, my new name. I place the pen down and she looks at the binder. She takes it back and looks at the name I had written. She grabs a key card and hands it to me. I take it and make my way to the elevators.

"Room 245."

The elevator doors open, revealing a Stained and greasy floor with mysterious liquids on the floor. I walk in and see moldy walls with writing and crusted stains that flaked off at any moment.

I press the sticky "2" button, and the elevator doors close. The elevator shakes before squeaking as it goes up two floors. It stops and the whole elevator rocks back and forth. The doors open and I walk out.

I make my way out the elevator into a dimly lit hall with flickering lights. I walk through the hall, met by disgusting smells and mixed scents.

"Room 241... Room 242... Room 243... Room 244... Room 245."

I stop in front of my door and put the key card in making the light go green on the detector, and the door unlocks.

I take the card out and twist the knob, opening the door. I see the bed with the sheets draped over the side, almost falling off. The pillow is out of its case and on the other side of the bed covered in white substance, in which I can only assume to be cum.

The other pillow lays still in place, still in its case and unbothered. I let out a heavy breath and close the door behind me.

As I continue to look around, I see three condoms filled with cum, knotted and thrown on the nightstand. There are viagra pills sprawled out across the ground and sex toys on the chairs that are on the other side of the room.

I walk over to the door of the bathroom. My hand jolts back before I touch the knob. The knob had lubricant and more cum on it.

"Fucking crust."

I just kick the door which was already slightly opened, making it slam against the wall. On the floor, there are various vibrators and lace undergarments laying on the ground.

I walk out of the bathroom and go to the window that is opposite of the bathroom. I look out the window to see a brick wall staring back at me. I roll my eyes and step away from the window.

I stare at the blanket that is sprawled out across the bed and the little bit of blood on the sheets.

"I'll sleep on the floor."

I take off my jacket and lay it on the stained ground. I sit on my jacket and pull out my phone. I go to Expensive.com and order a plane ticket to Florida.

I turn off my phone and lay on the ground. I fix myself in a comfortable position as my eye sight grows blurry and dark. My lids get heavier each passing second. I soon drift off the sleep, letting my tiredness take over.

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