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Jon woke as he slipped sideways from his position against the bus wheel, scraping his shoulder against the wheel hub. He groaned in pain as he stood and rubbed his shoulder the best he could, wondering how long he'd been out there.

He shuffled groggily back to the room and pushed the door open. He wasn't sure what he was expecting but an empty room wasn't that. He called Richie's name as he checked in the bathroom but no sign of him.

Jon stood in the middle of the small room and looked around. Richie's bag and beat up old travel guitar was still there so Jon knew he'd be back, but his wallet and the spare key was missing.

Maybe he's gone out for some fresh air, Jon thought to himself as he flopped down on the bed to stare up at the blank ceiling. Reaching for his pack of cigarettes, he lit one and watched the smoke curl upwards as he ran through all the options of how to get Richie back home quickly to his parents.

He knew who he needed to call so he sat up and reached for the phone, doing a quick calculation of the times before dialling the number.


"Hi, Mom," Jon said with a small smile, "It's Jon...sorry it's so early."

"Jon! What a nice surprise, sweetheart," Flo said with a yawn, "Don't you dare apologise, I've been up for ages already."

Jon smiled at Flo's attempt to cover her yawn, "Fibber!" he chuckled.

"Jon... what's going on? How's Richie?" Flo asked, ever astute in picking up on 'her boys'' troubles.

"God, Mom...where do I start?" Jon moaned and proceeded to brief her on the whole situation. Even though he'd unburdened himself to Simon, he needed Flo's maternal understanding and steadying influence.

"Oh sweetheart...what a predicament to put you in! If it's any consolation, I didn't know either. Poor Joan and Richie," Flo sighed, "I'll make sure to ring her later. else can we help?"

"Well...I have a favour to ask of you and Dad," Jon said, "Is Eddie there?" He stood and started to pace in the small area that the cord would allow him to.

"He's just in the kitchen. Let me go get him," she said and Jon heard the phone being laid down. He didn't have to wait long before it was picked up again, "Okay, Jon, we're both here."

"Hey, dad."

"Jon...what do you need, son?" Eddie asked.

"Richie needs to get home as soon as possible...for his own mental state more than anything," Jon said, "So...I was wondering if you'd advance me the money for two plane tickets and I'll work off the costs when I get back to work."

"Don't be silly, Jonny," Flo scoffed, "You'll do no such thing, will he Eddie? We'll make sure you both get home today, sweetheart."

He flopped back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling, his eyes burning as he willed himself not to break down in relief.

"Your mom's right, just leave it to me, Jon," Eddie said, "Just turn up at the airport and I'll get you on the earliest flight that I can. You'll both be home by tonight. Are you okay?"

"No...not really," Jon replied with a hitch, "We had a fight. He blames me for keeping secrets and now I can't find him. I'm...I'm scared, Dad. I've never gone through anything like this before...parents, people I care about, dying."

"Oh sweetheart," Flo sympathised, "Does David know any of this?"

"No...the shit hit the fan after he'd left for the airport," he replied, "Let him have time with Amber and Colton. He deserves it."

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