Chapter Nine

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*Picture shows what she looks like and her dress*

**Luna POV**

I wake up from the bright light shinning from the window, I attempt to leave the bed but I am restricted by someone's arms, I blush and carefully remove his arms from around me. On a table I find a white sleeved dress and a pair of white converse on top (check sideboard for the dress)
too the side I find a folded note, inside the note was written:
I didn't want too wake you and didn't know what you would like to wear so I got you this - Slender

I put the note down an pick up the dress too take a look at it better, I gasp "Its beautiful!" I bring it close into my body and spin around, trying too keep quiet, however I managed to wake BEN up "What the fuck? It's to early go to sleep" I chuckle and show him the dress "Look at what Daddy got me!!" He groans and goes back under the cover so I run into the bathroom with the dress and shoes and find a whole selection of makeup lined up. I lock the door and apply mascara, eyeliner and put the dress on, pairing it with the converse makes it more of a casual outfit. I smile and look at myself in the mirror, my eyes kind of like BENs but different colour and I am a lot more pale then he is.

I walk out of the bathroom and BENs clothes I used on his bed and went down too the kitchen, Father was cooking breakfast while many others waited at the table, one seemed too be eating kidney, I scrunched my nose in disgust and then turned too daddy "Thank you so much, I love it, it's beautiful!" He turned his head to me "Glad you like it, wait in the lounge and I'll introduce everyone too you" I nodded and he threw an apple at me, at which I caught with my tentacle, how did I do that. He chuckled and shoo'd me off. I went into the lounge and waited while eating my apple, moments later 7 people and a dog walked in, including BEN and Slender. "Everyone this is Luna, she is my daughter and is a half creepypasta" they nodded then introduced themselves. The pale one with black shaggy hair, and a creepy carved smile spoke first "I'm Jeff" his smile grew even larger. Then a boy in a blue mask with something oozing out his eye sockets spoke "And I'm Eyeless Jack, just call me EJ though" I nodded to him, next was the boy with the orange Hoodie and the boy with the White mask "I'm Hoodie" the shyer one said in almost a whisper "I'm Masky, if you touch our cheesecake we will cut you, okay?" I chuckled and nodded. A clown like person with a black and white spiral nose was next too speak "I'm Laughing Jack, want some candy?" He asked in a sick and twisted way, "No offence but I don't think I would ever take a sweet from you" he chuckled "Wise choice". A husky, which was covered in blood, came up to me and sat with his chin on my knee, he had a wide smile, like a humans "His name is Smile" I smiled and looked up to Jeff who had said it, "I like it, it suits him" I petted his head for a little while, while Hoodie, Masky, EJ and LJ went upstairs, Slender went to clean up the kitchen and Jeff and BEN sat on the other sofa, setting up a video game. I was going to ask to play but a huge pain shot through me and I screamed, Father, BEN and Jeff turned to face me, my skin was glowing a bright blue and it was like someone was burning my body. I then blacked out.

I woke up with BEN, Jeff and father leaning over me, as I lied on the sofa, I felt super energised, like I could run a marathon or climb Mount Everest. "Child you are now fully creepypasta, you are now immortal" I looked at him in confusion "But how, I didn't do anything?" "Zalgo has aloud you immortality, he is our God" I nodded then looked down too find my originally white dress has a black ombré from the bottom that worked its way up to my waist like it had been burnt and my hair was now a natural pastel blue, my nails were painted exactly like the colour of my tentacles. With that I sat up and let my tentacles show, they now had poison at the tips of them, which were sharp like the end of the knife. BEN started too stare at me with his mouth slightly agape so I got up and went too his room to find his full length mirror. I stared into the mirror for awhile in awe, my eyes were still black with the blue but now my eyes were cracked from my skin, the look in my eyes where was more intimidating and it looked like I had murdered someone/seen someone be killed, I also have extremely sharp canine teeth, that felt kind of natural. As I kept staring in admiration my hair started to turn a light pinkcolour, kind of like candy floss. I gasped and held my hair up in my face to try and look at it closer, why is it pink now? Was it pink before? I sat down on his bed and kept thinking about it, than my hair turned a very light blonde (these colours I mention are literally pastel coloured)

I gasped once again and it turned pink, "it's my mood, my hair tells my mood" I run back downstairs too BEN, Jeff and Father, "look my hair changes too my mood!" My hair than changes to complete white and white butterflies with light blue patterned wings start to come out "what the fuck?" Me and Jeff say at the same time, BEN is playing video games until a butterfly lands on his nose he tries to remove it but it stays on his nose "Why is you hair creating butterflies!!" Oh so he was paying attention.... "I guess it's what happens when I'm excited" my hair goes back to blue, signalising I'm calm, the butterflies dissolve in pixels, like a video game. Father pats my head with one of his tentacles and walks off, Jeff also leaves, probably to go killing or something.

I run and jump onto the sofa next to BEN "let's play a game!" "You play video games?" I facepalm too this "Yes BEN I do, that's how you found me remember, dumbo" I flick his forehead, he scolds me and then laughs at himself. "Alright let's play then" "Yay!!!!" Butterflies once again fly out of my hair "Shit how do I control this" I turn too look at him, he has the most unamused face I've ever seen as he sits there covered in butterflies, this turns me into hysterics and soon after he starts laughing with me, he calm down and my hair returns to the blue and the butterflies once again dissolve "You really need to learn how to control that" he gives me a playfully evil look. I shake my head and grab the game controller so we start the game, we decided to choose Mario Kart, because he said it was either that or Majoras Mask, and to be honest I've had enough of that game. He started playing but it ended up with both of us just pushing each other, and then I win "HA IN YOUR FACE, I am the champion!!" By now I'm jumping around on the sofa, that is until BEN pushes me down leading with me with my back on the floor and him leaning above me, we stare into each others eyes for a while and then he starts to lean in and my hair turned a purple colour, I guess this is what colour it turns when I blush, shit, shit, shit he's cute and all but I don't know him, shit someone help. And like a God, well not really, Jeff walks in and shouts "Get in there" and wolf whistles, I growl at the whistle and BEN gets up and storms out the room, I get myself up and straiten myself out, my hair has returned to its original blue state, I seriously need to learn how to control this hair..

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