Chapter 1

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Caroline gasped as she sat in her car and watched the man drag Ivy’s lifeless body to the back of his van.

“Oh my god” she grabbed her phone and dialed his number. “Pick up….pick up… PICK UP!”

Ring….ring….ring….    ”Hey it’s Stefan, leave a message.”

“Damn it!” She yelled throwing the phone in the passenger seat. She sighed and ran a hand threw her hair. “Think Caroline…” she watched as the man came back around to the front of the van, looking around before getting in. She reached for her phone and dialed another number.

“Caroline, hey.” Matt answered.

“Matt, Thank god! I need your help.” She said, watching the van drive off and quickly trying to fallow behind.

“Caroline what’s going on?” he could hear the panic in her voice.

“I just watched this guy drug and throw a vampire in the back of a black van. Do you know who it could be?!”

Matt sighed. “Yeah I got a pretty good idea.” He quickly got up from the couch and grabbed his keys. “Care, were are you?”

“I'm tailing him right now.” She said, trying to keep enough space between her and him so not to be made.

“No, Caroline – don’t go after him alone. Where are you?  I’m coming to you.” He said.

“Matt there is no time, do you know where he is taking her?” she asked, making another turn.

“Yeah I do. Car, please don’t do anything stupid. Wait for me to get there, he’s dangerous.” Matt pleaded.

“I can handle this is. I’ll see you there.” She said before hanging up.

She fallowed the van for 10 minutes before it made a right turn onto a long driveway. She parked her car at the edge of the woods and watched the taillights go down the driveway until they disappeared. She closed her eyes and concentrated to hear any movement deep in the woods. After a few minutes she heard the van come to a stop and the engine shut off. She pulled her phone out and dialed his number again, this time it didn’t ring just went straight to voicemail.

“Damn it Stefan!” She said threw a clenched jaw, crushing her phone in her hand before tossing the pieces in the floorboard.

 She listened threw the woods again and heard a car door slam shut and someone fumbling with a chain. She quietly got out of the car and slowly made her way through the woods making sure to stay in the shadows. She stopped behind a tree when she saw the van parked in front of an abandoned farm house and waited a few seconds to make sure the man wasn’t around before speeding over to the back.


“What did you do to me?” She heard Ivy’s muffled voice come from inside the house. Caroline quietly walked around the building until she came to a window that was only slightly boarded up but had enough of a crack to see the man kick Ivy in the stomach to keep her down as he chained her to the floor.

“I see you’ve brought a second victim.” Caroline heard a familiar British accent.

“Enzo?” She whispered confused.

“Shut up vamp.” The man hissed, shooting a revain dart at him. Enzo scowled as the revain burned his skin.

“I thought I told you, that doesn’t work on me.” He said smug.

“Maybe not, but this might.” He said, picking up his shotgun and shot a wooden stake into his chest.

Caroline jumped and covered her mouth to try to muffle the gasp that escaped her lips. She saw the man turn around and look out the window at her and she knew her cover was blown. She quickly speed off threw the woods far enough to safely but close enough to still see the farmhouse.

The man came out of the house holding the shotgun and looked around. He stood for a minute and heard a twig snap behind him and twisted around ready to pull the trigger.

“Hey Tripp, whoa!” Matt said, throwing his hands up in the air.

“Matt, what are you doing here?” Tripp said lowering the shotgun.

“Uh, I have a bit of a problem….” Matt said, trying to think of something fast.

“What kind of problem?”

“I…uh… ran apron a new vampire attacking a girl at a party. I was able to get some revain in him but I’m not sure how long he will stay down..” Matt said, trying to make the story believable. “I got him in the back of my truck now. I didn’t know there else to go.”

“Okay, you did the right thing. Let’s get him down to the house.” Tripp said, waiting for Matt to lead the way.

 Matt cleared his throat and whispered under this breath to Caroline. “You have 2 minutes.”

Caroline waited until they were out of eye sight before speeding into the abandoned house.

“Enzo.” She said, shocked at the sight. Enzo was chained to the floor, with a stake in his chest. He also had an IV attached to his arm in attempt to drain his blood to keep him weak since revain doesn’t work with him.

“Well, well, well…. Hello gorgeous.” He said weakly, but still flashed a flirty smile.

“Shhh.” She said, grabbing a hold of the stake and pulling it out. Next she removed the IV from his arm and broke the chains from his wrist. “Here” She said biting her wrist and holding it out for him.

“Caroline-“ he started  but she cut him off.

“We don’t have time to argue. Now drink and get out of here , I will get Ivy.” She said sternly.

Enzo grabbed her wrist and fed just enough that he could feel his wounds begin healing a little faster and enough strength to get up.

“Now go. I’ll be right behind you.” She said, going over to Ivy and breaking her chains.

Enzo hesitated for a minute, he didn’t want to leave her alone, but knew he would never hear the end of it if he didn’t listen to her right now. Caroline turned toward him and in a flash he was gone.

“Okay, come on Ivy get up!” She said shaking the girl. Ivy’s eyes flew open and she quickly sat up. “Get out of here now.” Caroline said sternly. Ivy nodded and sped out of the house.

“Going somewhere?” she heard a voice behind her.

She paused for a moment, feeling dark veins pulsate under her eyes and her fangs appear. She spun around and was instantly shot with a stake.

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