Trouble sleeping

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Laying in bed late at night in a full-sized bed and it seems like there was no way I could sleep. It felt like hours of toss and turning.

Suddenly realized someone was sitting in the room. A small light. 
I slowly sat up, "hello?" My voice almost cracking.

"Yes, baby bear?"

"What are you doing?"

I flicked the lamp on.

"Well... I couldn't sleep so figured I'd sit over here and let you sleep."

I chuckled, "well I Can't sleep."

stretched out my arms like a small child would to there mom.


He didn't hesitate he jumped up from the small armchair and walked over tithe opposite side of the bed.

I waited till he was comfortable before snuggling up to him.

I could feel his warmth run through my body.
I flicked the lamp off. But the led lights still lit the room.

Before passing out I leaned up and got really close.

He smiled gently before leaning in, his lips are so soft.
I placed my hand on his cheek-kissing him a little more before pulling away.

"I love you."

He smiled, "I love you too, now we both need sleep."
I nodded cuddling back into him.

Once my eyes closed the night flew by...

3 am. 

A loud noise came from the kitchen.

Half asleep I roll over to tell Noah, My eyes widen, He wasn't there. 

I started to shake in panic, I slowly stood up and headed to the kitchen. 

I grab the pan that was laying on the counter drying, as I walk around I see the light coming from the fridge. 

   I slowly walked closer and sighed setting down the pan.

" Baby what are you doing up?"

Noah sighed and looked up at me.

" I got hungry."

I sighed," Well when your done getting your 3 am snack, come back to bed. I need my cuddles."

Noah smiled and kissed my cheek. 

" okay baby bear." 

I smiled and headed back to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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