Chapter 10: Young Volcanoes

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Sam was in a store near the place Danny was standing. He didn't notice her, but Danny sure did. Since he was tall and had the habit of standing with his arm grabbing the other behind his back, it was easy to tell it was him. Danny decided to keep an eye on him and see where he was going. She saw him go into her favorite book store, Barnes&noble.
An hour later, Sam came out of the store and headed for another. Danny decided to just leave him alone because she knew he was planning a surprise and she didn't want to ruin it.
She came home and laid down on her bed, feeling all of her emotions and feelings towards him increase again. Danny thought about the way he smiled, the way he always waved back, how he would reply the moment he heard from her, and most of all, just the way he never seemed annoyed when she said something stupid or harsh.
She knew she loved him... not like... Love, with a capital "L". She couldn't stand being away from him and missed him every time a weekend was spent without him. Danny had never felt like this... and probably never will with anyone else again.

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