A Hard Day's Night

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Maya hit the gas pedal in her car. There was no question that she was going way over the speed limit, but not one of the three girls cared.

"Maya, this isn't your fault." Darla said quietly.
"Isn't it?" Snapped Maya. "I shouldn't have pushed her."

"Her head didn't even hit the floor. If it did, it was only for a second. She has to have some sort of problem with seizures." Beth assured her.

"I'm going to jail." Maya huffed.

"No, you're not. When she wakes up, she won't even remember what happened. I can almost guarantee it." Beth tried to calm her down.

"Is that supposed to help me feel better?" Maya demanded.
"Just calm down! Everything will be fine." Darla snapped around both of them.

The car fell into silence for the remainder of the short car ride. The three girls ran into the hospital once their car was parked.

"You said your dad worked on brains, right? Where's he?" Darla asked.
"I don't know. I've never been here." Beth replied.

"There has to be someone we can ask." Maya said hurriedly.
"Yeah. A nurse, probably."

They rushed over to the first nurse they saw. "Do you know where Dr. Shepherd is? He's treating our...friend." Darla cringed at the word 'friend.'

"I don't know where he is exactly, but you could probably find him on the fourth floor." She told them. "Would you like me to take you?"

"No. We're good. Thank you." Beth told her. The girls got in the elevator and hit the button to the fourth floor.

"Beth?" A voice asked. They turned to see Derek. Beth was so worried that she hadn't even noticed him until he spoke to her.

"Hi dad. Have you seen a girl named Katie Bryce?" She asked urgently.

"Not yet. That's who I'm on my way to see right now." He told her. "Do you know her?"

"She had a seizure in front of us at the mall. We just wanna make sure she'll be okay." Darla explained.

"That's kind. But I'm afraid she can't have any visitors besides family right now. You're welcome to stay in the waiting room. It's on this floor." He told them.

"Thank you. We'll wait. Are you allowed to update us?" Maya asked.

"I'll send an intern to update you every once and a while." He nodded.

"Thank you so much dad." Beth smiled.

Derek went off to tread Katie, leaving the three teens in the waiting area.

"Is he good? He's good, right?" Maya asked, biting her lip.
Beth squeezed her hand. "He's the best."

Despite all the fear that was coursing through the three of them, they all had a realization at the same time. This incident would bond them for life. Perhaps it was insensitive to think such a thing while a girl they knew was hurt, but she couldn't help it. Ever since Derek and Addison split up, Beth made it a habit to look for the good in even the darkest situations.


About an hour later, a doctor in light blue scrubs walked towards them.

"Are you three girls here for Katie Bryce?" She asked.

"Yeah." Beth nodded.

"Katie has had two more seizures. My fellow interns and I have been assigned by Dr. Shepherd to try and figure out what's wrong with her. It may take a while, you might want to go home." She told them.

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