The Curious Case of the French Fries

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Although it was a given that Aziraphale did like a variety of food, he also, now and then, did enjoy an "ordinary" takeaway with French fries and a salad on the side, thank you very much.

But ever since he's found out that Crowley had taken a liking to that particular sort of food, he didn't at all mind scrapping it off his menu list again.

Just the sight of the demon stealing the fries from his plate was a small delight to him.

Even more so because it was the first food Crowley seemed too thoroughly enjoy.

But unbeknownst to Aziraphale, Crowley on the other hand had taken it upon himself that whenever his angel got a side dish of French fries, to eat those.

Since the angel didn't seem to like them all that much.

Azirapahle was always so peculiar about his food, because "leaving it will let it all go to waste!"

So, in order to keep Aziraphale as happy as possible, Crowley, against his own standards towards human food, because "we don't bloody need it," well, he of course ate the leftover fries.

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