Chapter 1: The Rivera's

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Aj had just finished making breakfast when her younger siblings made their way downstairs.

"I just used the rest of the groceries so if you haven't chipped in for the week yet do it before you leave." Aj told everyone as she put a jar on the table.

"I took some rich kids ACT for him and got like one fifty." Johnny said as he put some cash into the jar.

"I'm sixteen years old, you really expect me to get a job?" Sasha asked in annoyance.

"If you want to eat then yes." Aj said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

Seth tossed a few twenties into the jar.

"I'm gonna try to pick up a few extra shifts at the store today." Seth told Aj.

Roman casually put a wad of dollar bills in the jar as everyone looked at him in confusion.

"Where the hell did you get that much cash?" Aj asked.

"Don't worry about it. That should cover me and Sash." Roman told her.

"See, at least someone in this house actually looks out for me." Sasha said.

"You've got until the end of the day to pay me back." Roman said.

Sasha let out a sight of frustration.

Everyone turned their attention to the back door as their father, Jack walked in.

"Oh.. What's for dinner?" Jack asked as he stumbled through the kitchen.

"It's breakfast and you don't get any." Aj said as she walked over and grabbed the food she had set out.

"And why not?" Jack asked.

"Because you haven't given me any money for groceries in the past two months." Aj told him.

"Well.." Jack said as she searched his pockets.

Aj shook her head in annoyance and picked up her youngest brother, Jayden from the floor.

"I've got two dimes and a broken condom." Jack slurred his words.

"Get the fuck out of here, Jack." Roman told him.

Jack shook his head and walked into the living room. Everyone watched as he fell down on the couch.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Aj said in frustration.

"You want me to take care of him?" Roman asked.

Aj looked at Roman in confusion for a moment.

"Take care of him? You mean like.. kill him?" Aj asked.

"That actually sounds like a pretty good idea." Seth commented.

Sasha couldn't help but laugh at her brother's comment. Aj looked in the living room at Jack with an unsettling feeling in her stomach.

"I'm not gonna fuckin' kill the man, I was just gonna throw him out on the street." Roman told her.

"No, I 'll handle him later. I have to get to work." Nikki said.

She grabbed her purse and walked out the front door with Jayden. Aj made her way next door when she suddenly heard moaning coming from inside.

"Ah! Fuck, baby!" Naomi Fatu could be heard screaming out.

Aj let out a sigh and walked into the house.

"You idiots are really having sex with the door unlocked?" Aj asked.

"Shit." Jimmy Fatu could be heard saying as he struggled to put his pants on.

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