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Esme was running around her room, grabbing the last-minute items she had neglected to pack, before rushing back down the stairs to say goodbye to her parents.  

How she had left it this late, she didn't know. She's known Cedric has been coming to take her to the quidditch world cup for the past month and yet she kept procrastinating her packing, promising herself she would do it tomorrow and then never doing it. Now Cedric would be here to collect her in 10 minutes and she had just finished packing. 

She hurtled down the staircase, and almost knocked her father to the floor in her haste. 

"Sorry dad," she rushed, already on her way to the kitchen to grab a slice of toast and then finally settling down in front of the T.V to wait. 

"Mum," she called "are you sure the fire is all good to go?"  

"I'm positive," her mum answered walking into the room and smiling at her. "It's ok Esme, Amos and I have sorted everything out. They'll be here soon, stop worrying." 

Content, Esme settled back and continued to watch T.V, until a short while later the fire roared and flashed green. Excited, she stood and watched as her best friend stepped out of the fireplace dusting soot from his muggle clothes.

"Ced!" She squealed as she flung herself at him, almost knocking him backwards into his father, who had just stepped out of the fire. "I missed you so much," she said still hugging him. Cedric laughed and pulled her arms from his waist, 

" I missed you too Esme," he said with a grin. She smiled and looked around at her parents and Amos talking in the corner, she called hello to Amos and then turned to her parents to say goodbye. 

As she hugged her mum and dad goodbye and promised to write them at least once a week, a feeling of excitement set into her stomach, this was it, she would be going to the quidditch world cup and then spending the remainder of her holidays at Cedric's house. With a final wave goodbye, she stepped into the fireplace and felt her self spinning in circles, glad to be back with her best friend. 


After dinner with the Diggory's, Cedric's mum showed her to the guest room and bid her goodnight. Feeling elated, Esme was not sure how she would be able to sleep but as soon as her eyes hit the soft pillow she immediately fell asleep as dreams of quidditch danced behind her eyelids. 

She woke with a start, feeling a weight on her legs. 

"Geoff Cedric" she exclaimed "I can't breathe you fatass," Cedric laughed in response and switched on the light. 

"Time to get up sleepyhead, we have to leave soon." And with that, he closed the door. Esme debated if she needed a best friend, and seriously considered going back to sleep just to spite him. But instead, she rose from her bed and chucked on some muggle clothes Vi had given her for Christmas, telling her that to look like a muggle when in public, she actually had to dress like one, Esme laughed at the memory of her other best friend and grabbed her backpack and stumbled downstairs.

missed chances ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now