Chapter 1: The Meeting of Two

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This story was a request by my friends in IRL as well wanting me to rewrite the third movie with this concept. I hope you enjoy this!


From the colorful sky of dawn above the isle of Berk, a purple dragon landed in the forest, however, this dragon was strange in appearance compared to other dragons nearby.

The dragon had bright purple scales, the front side being violet with a streak of almost-black deep purple on its head in the middle, and the back sides of her body and some of the fronts are almost-black deep purple, with medium-sized purple wings that have a black-cherry-black or deep purple pattern to them, and has purple-white markings on one of its front legs and one of her back legs, with talons. It also has light crystal blue eyes. It also wears a black and silver saddle decorated with feathers along the sides and back and a black dragon bridle and long black reins.

The dragon turned its head towards the saddle on its back in worry. Sitting on its back, was a woman dressed in a black hooded coat to hide her appearance as she coughed heavily as she let go of the reins. The dragon cooed as if asking if she was okay.

"I'll be okay, girl." The woman replied as she got off the dragon. "Thank you for getting me this far, Nevermore." Said dragon glowed as she shrunk into a smaller size and her head reached the girl's waist, the reins and saddle had disappeared. "I can't take you with me to the village. You need to hide somewhere safe, I can't afford to lose you too, Nevermore."

The girl petted Nevermore's head before the girl ran away with Nevermore looking at her both sad and worried.


Hiccup sighed. Today was not his day. First, he was hunted by a Monstrous Nightmare under the dragon raid that morning. Then, he couldn't find the Night Fury he shot down and when he found the Night Fury, he couldn't kill it by himself and set it free. Like that wasn't enough, his dad put him in dragon training while he was in the forest before going out to search for the dragon nest before winter season, or else, they would be out of resources and won't survive the winter. He was the most failed viking that has ever existed.

Hiccup hadn't left the main room since his father left because he was lost in thoughts, why did the Night Fury spare him? Why couldn't he kill it when he had the chance? Those were the still lingering questions in his head from that afternoon. That was until he heard loud coughing sounds coming from the back of the house outside, Hiccup cautiously walked over to the back door that he escaped through to the forest hours ago. By the time he opened the door and looked outside, a person wearing a black cloak was lying on the ground and wasn't moving which alarmed the young viking.

"H-Hey!" Hiccup called out as he ran towards the person on the ground. "Are you okay?"

The person moaned in response and Hiccup quickly placed one of their arms around his shoulders, not wanting to leave her on the ground in the cold. As he dragged the person to his house, Hiccup had seen the intricate silver ring and gauntlet on their right arm which didn't seem like something that a normal person would wear in the Archipelago. It even had what looked dragon scale patterns in the gauntlet. Once getting inside again, Hiccup slowly lowered the hooded person onto a chair near the fire before walking away to fetch some water for them to drink and give the hooded person.

"Here. It sounds like you'll need it." Hiccup said and the cloaked person took it in both their hands, the young viking knew that there was something familiar with their presence.

"Thank you." The person thanked him in soft female voice before she drank the water.

"How long have you been out there?" Hiccup asked a little curious.

"A few weeks, at most." The girl explained. "I came to this island a few days ago without much provisions."

"Oh. You must have had it rough these past few days." Hiccup pointed out. "I'm Hiccup by the way. Mind telling who you are?" The girl placed the wooden mug down on the floor.

"Can you promise not to stare at me when I take down my hood?" The girl asked nervously and Hiccup nodded in agreement. The hooded stranger took down her hood and Hiccup gasped slightly in amazement.

The girl had soft purple eyes and long, wavy black hair with purple streaks. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her fringe was more brushed to the right side than the left, streaks of not only violet, magenta and purple-maroon but also a bright cyan color at some places in her curly hair. A gray metal band with spikes held the ponytail up with three small chains coming from each side and connected to a silver framed amethyst on the back of the ponytail. Over her left eye was a swirling pattern made of shiny pink paint that made the form of a wing and a silver earring of a dragon on top of her right ear.

"My name is Raven." The girl introduced herself a bit embarrassed. It was that moment Hiccup realised he was staring at her and shook his head to stop himself. "As you can see, I'm not from around here. I'm not a Viking, actually."

"Much like me then." Hiccup mumbled to himself and Raven looked confused as she didn't hear what he said despite them being the only ones in the room.

"What did you say?" Raven asked in confusion.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Hiccup quickly replied, not wanting Raven to know his status right now. "I have to go to bed. I have... dragon training tomorrow." The young viking groaned at his own words. Raven quickly stood up from her chair in shock.

"You have dragon training?" Raven asked and Hiccup nodded a bit confused. "Do you mind if I watch?"

"Sure, but I wouldn't keep my hopes up." Hiccup pointed out unsure. "Besides... you would been attracting a lot of attention looking the way you do."

"There's a reason why I have a cloak on." Raven answered blankly. "Look, Hiccup. I've been in hiding for months and now, I'm in a place where no one knows who I am or where I came from. I know how to not draw attention to myself."

"Sorry. I'm just stressed about tomorrow. I won't survive dragon training from the start."

"You don't know that. You just have to get comfortable being in the ring and observe others how they work, just trust your own instincts. Just be yourself." It was a short silence between the two before Raven blushed for the encouraging words she just said to a boy she barely knew and turned around in embarrassment. "I-I should go. It was nice to meet you, Hiccup."

"Wait." Raven turned back to Hiccup in surprise. "You can stay here if you like. My dad is out in an attempt to find the dragon nest and I'm usually alone since no really pays that much attention to me actually. I'm more of a nuisance than being noticed." The purple eyed girl smile gently at the Viking's kindness towards a stranger.

"Thank you, Hiccup. I would be very grateful."

The two then went to bed, Hiccup slept in his room while Raven took the bed downstairs. However, both of them seemed restless. Raven was worried about Nevermore, she had to be alone for a bit longer than she expected. The multi colored haired girl sigh before removing her gauntlet, showing a small dark purple dragon head profile on her wrist which Raven stares at.

Hiccup looks at the ceiling in wonder over his mysterious but beautiful guest. Her purple eyes reminded him of a pair of amethysts shining in the sunlight, a color that wasn't normal for humans at least. But you could see that Raven wasn't a bad person at first sight. Sure, she had strange hair and accessories as well the fact that she seemed to appear out of nowhere for help, but she doesn't appear to be a spy of any kind. Well, his world had just turned upside down. Rolling down his left sleeve, Hiccup looked strangely at the black birthmark on his left wrist that looked strangely like the Night Fury he met in the forest now that he had seen it up close. Though it was awfully too close for comfort.

What these two don't know. Their destiny has been intertwined and now a new legacy has just started to bloom, and maybe new relationships starts to blossom into something more.

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