Chapter 3: Dragonborns

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Elsewhere, far away from Berk was a fleet of ships locked in a search for the Dragons' Nest and on the leading ship of the search was Stoick the Vast, whose eyes were filled with determination.

"I can almost smell them. They're within reach. Steady the ships." He said in a low voice as the ships started to move inside a fog. "Head towards the fog."

However a few seconds after they moved in the fog, screams and shouts were heard as the dragons found them!


Meanwhile, The next day on Berk. Hiccup was back in training that morning but the arena now made to look like a maze for the candidates participating. But to both Gobber and Raven's annoyance as the watched the six teens running away from a blue Deadly Nadder, Hiccup keeps asking the one-legged, one-armed Viking about the topic of Night Furies like he had to Raven the night before.

"So," Hiccup called out to Gobber when he spotted the smith, "I noticed the book didn't have anything on Night Furies. Is there another book I could read, or a sequel, or maybe a Night Fury pamphlet-" Before he could finish, the Deadly Nadder sent a blast of magnesium fire that hit Hiccup's axe, leaving just the handle of the axe left and a startled Hiccup.

"Focus, Hiccup!" Gobber called out. "You're not even trying!" Hiccup quickly tries to decide on with way to go as the Nadder ran towards him, quickly running the right path for his life. "Today is about attack!" The Nadder jumped onto the walls inside as it searched for the teens in the maze. "Nadders are quick and light on their feet, you have to be quicker and lighter."

"AAAAAH! I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" Fishlegs yelled as he narrowly avoided Nadder spikes, thanks to the shield he was carrying.

Gobber ignored that and continued "Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. You can use it to your advantage if you can find it, hide in it, and strike!"

Ruffnut and Tuffnut tried to follow that advice when they came face to face with the blue Nadder. Unfortunately that was not working well for Ruffnut.

"Ugh! Do you ever bathe?"

"Hey, this is my blind spot! If you don't like find your own blind spot!" Tuffnut said, shoving his sister.

"How about I give you one!" She immediately knocked her helmet against his and tried to shove him off balance with her forehead.

However their argument was cut off as the Nadder, who now knew they were there and prepared their fire breath at them! They ran away, just managing to avoid the fire blast.

"Blind spot, yes," Gobber said, sounding approving, "Deaf spot-" he frowned "-not so much." Then he snickered mischievously as Hiccup dashed through the maze, spotting the spectators watching.

"So, how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?" Hiccup asked him, pausing for a second. Raven groaned in annoyance, tired of him asking so many questions about a dragon whose extremely rare to see nowadays.

"No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale, now GO!" Gobber cried in exasperation as the Nadder appeared again, shooting a blast of fire at Hiccup that he just managed to escape from.

"He'll actually get himself killed today if he doesn't stop with his questions already." Raven moaned desperation.

"Hiccup? Esch, he's always been like that." Gobber replied, having heard her. "You're the lass with Hiccup yesterday. Raven, right?"

"Yeah. That's me." The hooded girl answered him, facing Gobber properly.

"Do you mind looking after the lad for me?" Gobber asked loud enough for only the two of them to hear. "He doesn't have any friends and not many care for him. Of course it was a shock to see yah with him, with his status as Hiccup The Useless, but it would do him good if he had at least one friend by his side when he needs it. Yah must have done something to get his interest." Raven blushed slightly at the sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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