Chapter 2: More Questions Than Answers

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As the morning came, Hiccup had decided to show Raven around the village and what has been going on lately. Raven smiled at the village that has been living there for seven generations despite every house being new because of the many dragon raids they got. It saddened the girl somewhat that they had to fight dragons, they are such amazing creatures once you knew of their true nature. After all, she had a dragon friend which she had a sisterly bond with. The last place Hiccup showed was the arena, since he had Dragon Training in the morning and he was carrying an axe that seemed too heavy for him.

"I'm sooo going to regret this." Hiccup thought out loud. Raven gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Just do your best." Raven said in comfort to try getting him less nervous. "Like I said last night, be yourself."

"Yeh, thanks for encouragement." Hiccup replied a bit sarcastic as he walked into the arena, though he smiled a bit as the only other person he knew that say those words to him was Gobber, who is their teacher for the Dragon training.

"Welcome to Dragon training!" Gobber announced as they all walked in and Raven stood by the bars that overlooked the inside of the arena.

She was a bit anxious but she remembered what Hiccup had told her about the one legged, one armed Viking with the other teenagers. Gobber was the Dragon expert of Berk and she knew they were safe with them, after all, he wouldn't want his only apprentice to die under training. The teens were talking about the injuries they would be getting and hoped to get a scar out of it. All except Hiccup. Raven could easily identify all the teens in the group from Hiccup's small descriptions of them. All she could say was that their names were awful except a few.

The girl with blond hair and blue eyes with a warrior's aura was definitely Astrid. The other blond girl with a boy next to her must be the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut. The only black head of the group was Snotlout, the main bully of Hiccup's and also his cousin. Stupid, if you asked her. Then the last one, who was the bigger one out of the group, is Fishlegs. That was a name that actually fit the boy to some degree thanks to his short legs.

Gobber approached the teens, ignoring the teens complains about Hiccup. "Let's get started! The recruit who does the best at dragon training will win the honor of killing their first dragon in front of the entire village."

"Um, Hiccup already killed a Night Fury," Snotlout said mockingly, not noticing the nervous look on Hiccup's face. "So does that disqualify him, or...?" The twins burst out laughing as the main bully snickered before they turned to the cages. "Can I transfer to the class with the cool Vikings?" Hiccup looked up at Raven, seeing the sad expression on her shadowed face and the young Viking felt guilty for some strange reason he couldn't describe.

"Now, Hiccup," Gobber said, breaking his thoughts and leading him to the centre of the ring with the other kids, "Don't worry, you'll do fine. You're small, and weak, so you have an advantage! They'll see you as sick or insane, and go after the more Viking-like teens. Heh, heh," He laughed at his own joke, Hiccup didn't think it as funny.

Hiccup got in line with the other kids, next to Fishlegs. Then they all faced Gobber, who was pacing in front of a door in the side of the arena that was barred off. Something on the inside rammed against the door and roared, causing all of them except Astrid to take a step back. "Now, inside these doors are only a few of the dragons you'll get to meet," Gobber started. "The Deadly Nadder—"

Fishlegs whispered some stats to himself. "Speed, 8, armour, 16."

"—the Hideous Zippleback—"

"Plus eleven stealth, times two..." Fishlegs murmured.

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