Wolf within us [3]

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"I can't hide this from him forever." Suho paced back and fourth tears brimming the rink of his eyes. So many things have happened in the past 2 months and now this. Why did he always get punished.

"Honey..." Suho heard his husband call his name from their bedroom. He was scared to say anything to his husband. Yes they wanted to have pups but he was so unsure.

"Honey what's wrong? You've been in here for a long time." Yixing hugged his husband as the other cried in his arms. He's noticed that his spouse has been very moody lately. "X-xing?"

"Yes honey?" Lay was looking his lover in the eyes waiting for him to speak.

"I-I'm pregnant."

Yixing face dropped and he let go of Joonmyeon. Was he disappointed that he would be a father in nine months? Was he not ready for pups like they planned? To be honest he was so happy to have an new addition to the family.

"Oh honey this is great! We can start our family like we wanted!" Suho smiled and kissed his husband passionately.

What they didn't know was that the baby's father was either the guy's who raped Joonmyeon or Yixing.

"I can't wait to go baby shopping!"


Joonmyeon breathed as the doctor put cold gel on his stomach.

"Mr. Kim your baby looks very healthy. You can see it starting to develop there." The doctor pointed to a white blob that was about the size of a plum. The doctor they were seeing specialized in wolf pregnancies. Every patient he had was a wolf. But he never told their secret, wanting them to live in peace with their families.

"It's so tiny Joon honey. I can't believe we made that."

"Now Mr. Kim I want you to eat plenty of organic foods and to not put any stress on the baby." The doctor wiped off the gel on the boy's stomach and smiled. "It is crucial for your baby in the first trimester, you can easily have a miscarriage."

Joonmyeon nodded and fixed his shirt sitting up. He still had doubt's about if his husband really wanted to be responsible for another life.

"I'll see you two next month."

"C'mon honey lets go home. I want to snuggle with you."

The couple left the small vet hospital and shifted in their wolf forms (They're already in the forest) and went home to snuggle.

A/N: I made this all up on the top of my head. It really sucks.
~Mi Jin

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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