Let The Games Begin

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The Bella's file into the house somewhat clumsily, falling against the wall or the floor. They all claw their way into the living room and hoist themselves on the sofa's around. Beca manages to take a double seat and growls at anyone who comes to sit in it.

"Damn, Shawshank. No need to get bitey" Amy comments as she sits on the floor. Emily and Chlpe were the last one into the room, her eyes look around and see's the empty seat next to Beca. She assumes its for Chloe and goes to sit on the floor, but Beca grabs her arm and pulls her into the seat next to her.

"I promised you more cuddles. I don't go back on promises" Beca smirks and Emily turns her face slightly and blushes.

"Um... Good to know" She smiles as she nuzzled up to Beca.

"So, I think we should play the all so original, truth or dare." Chloe grins as her eyes scan the Bella's, her eyes sparkle mischievously as she looks at Beca.

"I think we should avoid dares." Beca says quietly to Emily, who looks up slightly at Beca.

"Why?" She asks.

"Because Chloe seems to be up to something" Beca observes and Emily nods.

"So usual Bella rules. The person asking gets to choose someone, aslong as they don't keep switching between the same people, say me and Beca keep choosing each other. And only one kissing dare per Bella. We don't need an orgy going on in this house" Chloe explains and everyone nods. It was obvious this was mostly explained for Emily's sake.

"I'll go first.... Chloe, truth or dare?" Beca asks and Chloe smiles as she thinks for a few seconds.

"Dare" She says and Beca smirks, already knowing the dare.

"Go into the kitchen, the first two things you see, add it to some vodka and drink it" She says. Chloe's eyes widen in horror.

"Amy, did you put away that Chinese from a few days ago?" She asks and Fat Amy's eyes look away and around the room. Chloe sighs as she straightens up and marches into the kitchen, then returns a few seconds later. A chip was in the blue coloured drink.

"Thankfully I saw some Gatorade first" She says.

"Damn it, thought I threw it away" Beca curses and Chloe winks at Beca.

"Tough luck B." She says as she drinks the, chip hitting her lip, causing her to gip and Beca laughs.

"The smell has just hit her" She says and Chloe pulls the cup away, wiping her lips before gagging.

"You've asked for it Mitchell" Chloe says with a grin.

"Oh... I don't like where this will end up" Beca sighs, and Emily squeezes Beca's hand softly. Beca looked at their now intertwined hands for a second before smiling to herself.


A few hours later, everyone was completely wasted. Even worse than before.

"Hey.... B... beccccccaaa." Chloe slurs and giggles to herself, laid across Stacies legs. "Truth or diddly dare?" She asks, another set of giggles erupt.

"Dare."Beca says, seemingly forgetting  what she had told Emily earlier.

"Oooooo I've been waiting for this. Seven minutes in heaven with the newbie, Emily." Chloe grins and Beca's face drops.

"Dude! That is super out of line! Emily won't be comfortable with that!" Beca says rather defensively. But Emily tugs her arm to gain her attention, she turns to Emily who pulls her into a quick and innocent kiss. Emily pulls away with a smile.

"Still think I won't be comfortable?" She asks and Beca looks at Emily for a few seconds, her mind turning before she grabs Emily's hand and drags her up and heads towards the Kitchen.

"Anyone watches and you're dead!" Beca yells as she walks into the kitchen and twirls Emily around so she almost sat on the kitchen counter. "Just so you know, this doesn't mean I'm in love with you or anything. It's just for fun. I maybe Gay, but doesn't mean I'm in love with you" Beca points out.

"Yeah I know, same goes for you. Now shut up" Emily says as her arms wrap around Beca's neck and draws her close, the two sharing a deep and passionate kiss. Beca's hands run along Emily's sides as they work Round to her back, running up and down them. Emily pushes herself up fully and sits on the counter, wrapping her legs around Beca's as the kiss depeens. Beca's hand begin to draw up Emily's back, nails dragging against her skin causing a soft moan to burst out of Emily's lips. Emily's lips begin to kiss along Beca's jaw, then down to her neck, causing Beca to let out a soft moan of her own as she leans her head back.

"I... I Know that this is seven minutes... Oh god..." Beca begins to talk but is taken over by the sensation of Emily's lips in her neck. "We should stop here, otherwise this will end up us in bed together" Beca finishes and Emily draws back with a grin.

"Not the best thing to start our first night as roommates" Emily jokes as she tests her head against Beca's. Beca smiles softly as she puts her hand on Emily's cheek, and she leans into the touch.

"But this was... Nice." Beca admits.

"It was." Emily says as she pushes Beca back slightly and jumps off the counter.

"I best still get my cuddles back in there" Emily smirks and Beca let's put a laugh.

"Don't worry, I said I keep my promises." Beca says and the two head back in. And they were met by curious glances.

"It's only been five minutes" Chloe points out, her mischievous smile on full display.

"Yeah, well. Fuck you" Beca says.

"If your offering" Chloe deadpan and Beca eyes the redhead up before shaking her head.

"You couldn't handle me Beale" She retorts and everyone laughs, Emily and Beca snuggling back into their original position. But Emily's eyes furrow ever so slightly. Was there something between Beca and Chloe? And why did she not like that?

So, abit of a steamy scene between Beca and Emily. I think I did alright? I hope so. Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter. I hope it wasn't too slow pace for everyone! Anyway, more to come soon!

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