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So I know I said 2 comments and 2 votes to do an update but in order to get views yall need some consistent updates.

I did a fast proof read so excuse the mistakes.

" I just keep to myself."

 I was currently home scrolling through twitter laughing my ass off. Twitter was my go to for social media. I felt like other social media apps such as Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram were toxic and they were always so negative. This was probably because I had more family and people from school on those apps than twitter. I really like to avoid anything that brings negative vibes now at days almost everyone subs, exposes, goes on lives just to argue and more dumb drama. I was trying to let time pass by so I could attend the party in enough time to whereas I could truly be in and out. My outfit was already set out along with my bathing suit. I made a mental note to bring my black out sunglasses. I wasn't going in the pool because I just got my hair done and braids take way too long  to dry off when they are wet. Jessica and Genae texted me not to long ago letting me know that they are at the party. I told them I was on my way so basically I got an hour or two before they try to check my whereabouts seeing as they should've already started their drinking.

Melo's POV.

I was playing pool volleyball with half my team members on the opposing team and the other half on my team. It was currently 6 to 10.  Right now everyone here was having a good time at the Back to school bash. This one was another type of vibe compared to the other back to school party's I've been too. This one was more wild to be honest.  It was a couple hours into the party and everyone at this party had to be intoxicated by now. Well everyone except me I dont really like to be under the influence.  As I go in to hit the volleyball I hit I realize I hit it a lil to hard it managed to roll under one of the lil villas. "I'll get it" I said making my way to get out the pool. I made my way over to the villa that had the ball under. When I reached the villa the ball was in the hands of a female.  She held it up for me to grab. I grabbed the ball while I was trying to figure out who she was.  It was kinda hard because her blackout glasses wouldn't allow me to see her eyes. " Thanks...Heaven...Heaven....right? I didn't get an immediate reply from her. "Na it's Hazell... but yea your welcome..." she said leaning back looking at her phone. "Oh shit my fault...it was an honest mistake." She looked up nodded and gave me a fake smile and went back to her phone. " Are you new to Chino Hills?" She looked back up." No I've been there since freshman year." she said. I only looked confused from what she said. "Really? I haven't seen you around." I hope she didn't take what she said as an insult. It was an honest statement everyone knew each other and I haven't seen or heard of her. With that she just shrugged "I just keep to myself." I hope she didn't take anything as insult from what I said." Hey Hazell I hope you don- " I was cut off by one of my teammates "Melo hurry up!" He yelled.  I drew my attention back to Hazell I took a good look at her see that her body was fire. I was going to ask her does she work or something because her body was really defined like an athlete. But I decided against it. " Thanks again" I said gesturing with the volleyball. She continued to look at her phone while nodding. I left and went and jumped right back in the pool to continue the game. "Nigga what took you so long?" my teammate Reek asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and we started the game back up.


Zell's POV

" Really? I haven't seen you around." Melo said to me. I didn't know if I wanted to take that as an compliment or insult but I'll figure it out later. I was chilling to myself a minute ago until a ball rolled over to the villa I was laying under. I picked it up not expecting Melo to come and get it and here we are. I was honestly entertaining my phone while he was trying to figure out why he's never noticed me. " I just keep to myself." I said honestly. I didn't have a lot of classes with Melo through out my four years at school so I could maybe see why he's never seen me. " Hey Hazell I hope you don-" He was cut off by one of his friends from the pool." Melo hurry up!" his friend rushed.  Twitter still had my attention while I still felt him in my presence.  "Thanks again" He spoke with that he left and went back to attend with friends. Nae and Jess were somewhere around here. When I got here they tried to get me to drink but I had to remind them that I was the driver. Seniors don't go to school the next day since its only a Friday and it's known for them to be too fucked up the next day. By the looks of it the rumor is true. I was shortly greated by a Nae and Jess "Zelllll what was Melo doing over here I just seen him under this Villa?" She and Jess were cheesing way too hard for my own liking. "Girl the boy was playing volleyball and it landed over here... that's it." I said with a plain face." Ummhmmm he was over here way too long to collect a ball." Jess said. Sis was still cheesing. "Girl all he wanted to know is if I was new here. We have first period together and we had to introduce ourselves and he chose me and-." Bitchhhh he chose you..." Nae said. They were way too geeked for my own liking." Umm he didn't even remember my name he called me Heaven" I said trying to shut whatever they think was going to happen. I think it worked because the topic was dropped after that. "Hey they are having battle of the sports on the beach side are you going to play.  My inner competitive side jumped at the idea. "Sure let me just put my shorts and top back on. "Girl if I had your body I'd flaunt that shit everywhere" Jess said with Nae agreeing with her by nodding. " Girl I am not you and if I'm about to be active running around and stuff I do not need nothing to be showing that I doesn't need to be showing. After I got dressed the Dj gave an 5 minute announcement for everyone who plays for the track team and basketball to head over to play and for the bystanders to come and watch. As I was walking it came to my attention that the Dj said we'd be going against the basketball team.

"All right it's yah boy Dj hanezzz and yall already know what the fuck we got going on!"

We got the Females and Males Basketball Team and Track team in the building ya'll!" Cheers of the Seniors of Chino Hills echoed. Bryan the captain of the boys track team came over to me. "Hey so I want the females to be in front and males to be in the back." I felt like it should've been staggered between the females and males but I wasn't going to argue with him. I just nodded my head and with that he left going to tell everyone the plan. 

"Ight yall we playing tug-a-war so the rules is simple!  Which ever side pulls the opposing into this mini pool wins!" Dj Hanezz said.

Everyone who was playing started to get in the order to play tug-a-war. I seen the baskeball doing what I thought we should be doing in the first place which was the stagger.  It became clear to me as our side was lining up why Bryan wanted the females in the front. I was the only person with real clothes on. Everyone was still in their swimsuit. I made sure to be the last girl in the line. I still had a chance in falling he pool but for the sake of my hair I wasn't going to allow that. The Dj did a count down making everyone aware that the game was about to begin.

"5..." "4.." I gripped the rope tighter "3...2...1" I instantly began to pull. As I was pulling I tried to take pulls backwards but eventually I started moving towards the pool. We kept moving towards the pool even more and I seen exactly where and how this was going to end. I didn't want any parts of getting my hair wet like I said so I let go and quickly stepped aside shortly after with one final tug from the basketball team the females landed in the pool. After everyone dropped the rope and the cheers came from the basketball team and the bystanders watching the game. The girls from the track team pick themselves up and out of the pool soaking wet. "Alright yall looks like we got a winner here! Give it up for the basketball team!" Dj Hanezz said into the microphone shortly after he held Melo's hand up earning everyone more cheers. I just continued to watch everyone go ballistic for one human.  Jess and Nae walked up to me they had cups in their hand signifying that they were drinking even more. "Girllll why you let go." Nae said. I shrugged "I felt like we were about to loose and I just got my hair done." They understood my actions.  They continued more games with the different teams at our school.  I decided to go to the mini bar and get me a bottle of water. "I'm going to get some water I'll be right be back" I told Nae and Jess who were taking pictures of each other. I don't know if they truly noticed that I said something but I didn't care to repeat myself. I made my way to the beach house and as I was walking off the beach I felt someone walking next to me and I look to see it was Melo.

Melo's POV

I seen Hazell participate in tug-a-war and I also seen her let go. Since she was alone I wanted to find out a lil more about her. " Uhhh Wassup" she said confused. "Oh nothing I wanted to ask you a quick question." She looked back up to me waiting for the question. "So when how long have you been doing track and field? I asked. "Since 6th grade." I wasn't shocked to be honest. When I seen her body earlier it explained that she puts in work. "Melllllllll" I knew who exactly that was and I knew what road I was about to do go down.

Authors Note

this was short I know. I just need to know from yall if I should keep going.

omfg I actually deleted what I just wrote. I'm tight right now.

I was introducing myself yall.

let me try again

Hi my name is Kaiya ( Ki-yah)

I'm 21 and only interesting thing about me is I am in the military and in college right now.

I'm from New York- not the city. upstate...

drop where yall from

or not because this book is probably lame and no one will read it lmaoooo

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