Chapter 3

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"How long has it been?" I heard Kelsey ask from beside me, I groaned "About ten minutes since you last asked me", "Ughh your kidding we've been here for hours" she said stretching her arms up in the air I rolled my eyes "Well no one asked you to come Kels okay" I somewhat snapped..  she glared at me "Uh woah..come on Aria no need to snap" she snapped back.  "Girls, is there a problem?" I heard my Aunt Kelly ask, it had been two hours since my run in with George while going to the bathroom and we were still waiting though we were getting closer the last numbers being called in were 102601 too 102651,  I sighed "No no problem" I answered.

And I looked too Kelsey "Sorry for snapping I'm just on edge, nervous" I smiled weakly, she smiled back "Its okay but your gonna do great you know that right?" I laugh abit "Soo I keep hearing" running a hand threw my curls, "Well its true" Noah piped in and I turned to see him smiling across at me from the opposite seat. Oddly a felt a pang of guilt because I saw it again in that smile, that he was looking at me differently meanwhile  all I could think about was would I see George again. Iknow should be thinking about my audition and remebering the words to my song but I couldn't help it he was in my head, my song choicewas one of fav's at the moment I sung it for hours everyday so I should be okay right?. "Thanks Noah" I managed a smile at him.

Another hour passed, and another more numbers were called it was around 4pm now..we were all getting antsy me especially, Nicole and Kelsey and decided to go with my uncle and find food as we were all hungry again while Noah and and my Aunt stayed with me, as I didn't want to be alone when I was called in. My nerves were still knawing away at me I would fidget in my seat playing with the edges of my coat and I can't help but wander how much longer it will be.

"Okay Auditionee numbers 102750 too 10271 please come this way" said a voice immediatley I shot up out my seat "OMG.. that's me" I paniced my Aunt Kelly shot up and came to me and placed her hands on my arms and rubbed them "Aria.. sweetheart your gonna be amazing okay" she smiled "I know it in here" she pulled one hand back and placed it on her heart I smiled and she gave me a hug I then turned and got one off Noah "Go show those judges your what the've been looking for" he said handing me my guitar I took it, my hands shaking "Thanks guys see you inside"  I said as I started walking backwards they nodded. 

For now it was just us, they brought in your family when it was your turn on stage, I turned and followed the 20 or so other auditionee's threw the wooden double doors into a smallish waiting room with a few scattered chairs, I made my way over and sat down. Everone kinda spread out around the room in silence so we could the guy dressed in black holding his clipboard and a walkie talky clicked to his belt.

"So if you all just wait here, and you'll called 5 at a time to go backstage, you'll family and friends will be waiting for you when get to the backstage area. Under no circumstances should you leave this area without informing someone, if you miss your call then you miss you call everybody clear?" he spoke with an authoritive tone, there was a chorus of yes's around the room. 

Time seemed to slow even more than before and I could hear my heart hammering in my chest, I glanced around at some of the other acts some were looking as nervous as me, others more so and some looked completely calm talking and joking amongst themselves, I suppose it was easier if you were in a band or a two peice you had your other members, or bandmate as support. The more time passed and as each act was called the more nervous I got, I got up and would pace infront of the chairs , occasionally stopping to tell myself to get a grip. I could do this, but I wasn't sure if I could I tried to think of the lyrics to my auditon song but my mind was blanking, flashes of George's smile came to mind. Gahhhh I shouldn't be thinking of him now I should be thinking of what I'd say to the judges and getting my cordination right so I wouldn't trip and fall walking onto the stage I could be clumsy.

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