December Thirteenth

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- Watching ¨The Nightmare before Christmas¨ because it is Friday the thirteenth.

- Having a huge camp snowball fight. 

-Spending time together, playing games.

- Writing and preforming Christmas songs for the camp.

- Helping the younger kids write letters to Santa.

- Putting yellow Christmas lights around the targets.

-Seeing who can find the most candy canes that are hidden around the camp. 

-Going into the city to mail the kids letters.

- Buying some of the things they asked for.

-Kicking anyone out of the cabin that they need to wrap presents for. 

-Helping each other wrap the other cabins presents. 

-Reading a new Christmas book.

-Putting another ornament on the tree.

-If there is no room, they hang it from the ceiling. 

-Opening the advent calendar.

- Moving the elf on the self, when the kids are asleep. 

-Marking off the Thirteenth day off the calendar.

-Some people put headphones in, and listen to Christmas music.

(13 down 12 more to go )

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