A letter.

118 9 3

Friday, June 13th

I'm Alice.
And I was depressed.
I know it doesn't sound great..
But if someone read this.. i'm not here anymore.

I was a happy little girl.. I had a family, I was so happy with them..
I had an English friend and she was so nice with me.. She was the only one who cared about me..

but someone broke me. And I started to think that i wasn't worth it.
I started to hurt myself. Hitting walls, cut myself.. I.. I did so much things to stop everything..

I tried to be okay.. but i couldn't.
Every single day, i smiled and said « I'm fine, don't worry »..
but i was lying..
all the time.
I cried.. most of the time.
Even if I was at school.

I had friends.. but they didn't care about me.
I was in love.. but someone broke me.
I meet someone who helped me.. but i wasn't ok, I was Broken.

I wish i could be happy again, but it's impossible. I'm just.. dead.
I decided to join the stars. So the world could be happier without me.

I tried to resist, I tried so hard!
But I failed !
I just needed some help, some love.. some kindness..
I just needed someone who cared about me.

If you read this, I'm sorry.
Even if i don't know who you are.. just, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry because I wasn't good enough.. Because I wasn't worth it.

thank you for reading this..



aujourd'hui, un chapitre assez spécial..
Ce chapitre parle du suicide.
C'est un sujet sensible et assez tabou.

Si une personne ne se sens pas bien ou autre, parlez en. Ne restez Jamais seul !
Beaucoup de personnes pensent à vous même si vous vous dites le contraire.
Il y aura toujours une issue, même si cela prend du temps.

Si une personne a besoin, je serai là si vous avez besoin de vous confiez sur certains sujets.


Je m'excuse pour les fautes parce que je pense qu'il y en a..

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