Oh Ship

9 1 0

Day - IDK

Time - Afternoon

Place - IDK again

Two seagulls and a sun shine over me. A soft breeze tickles my cheek. And I can't move my neck.

Oh, also it smells of fish... and ocean?

A loud horn blares into the sky, I duck before a seagull poo lands on me. What the hell? I (attempt to) get up to find my ground unsteady, wait... I'm in a lifeboat?

My friends lie next to me, all out cold.

I stand up, still in my Egyptian clothes, when I notice the huge cruise that we are tied to.

Wait... how did we end up from the desserts of Egypt to the middle of the ocean?

Let's recap:

- I, The sucky translator, am studying hieroglyphs while making sure joy doesn't create more wine disaster while she parades as the queen's spirit

- Bennie seems to be having a blast, enjoying the Egyptian culture, sampling wines and probably being the only one searching for the portal to take us back home

- Kookie is in a contemplative mode , did I just watch her and Joy conspire against Graeae?

- Graeae is missing!

Yes yes this is the last thing that happened in Egypt! Graeae was missing! And so was the bodyguard!

Joy, Kookie and Bennie pack boxes - aka 'gifts' - as Graeae walks into the Bodyguard's house. (Yes she wasn't missing, I just wasn't invited in their visit to the bodyguard)

The bodyguard and Graeae exchange cute smiles as Bennie and all heap gifts into the house.

Wait... gifts, house, Graeae??? Oh shit!! I run up to my friends and grabs their necks.

"What the hell is happening? Joy can you keep the wine away!" I slapped the wine away from Joy's hands as Kookie offers me an explanation.

"Well between cute hugs and ancient dating the bodyguard asked Graeae if she'd like to visit his home - we thought of gifts and he's even happier now."

Oh shit!

"What's wrong" Bennie asked me.

"Well you know this kinda means they're getting married cause there's no specific marriage ritual in Egypt?"

"WHAT!" They all screamed, except the bodyguard though, he's pretty happy.

"How come everything ends up in marriage when we're traveling?" Good question Kookie, good question.

But hey, we also have assassinations and wars to our name! #China

"Ouch!" Graeae shrieked as one of her gift baskets fell to the floor. We rushed to help her out when she stilled and picked up a strange dagger from the ground with some engraving on it.

"Yo," Joy giggled, semi drunk "Remember when we thought the current pharaoh was going to get assassinated by the rival? Didn't his name have the same herogly-heirlo-heirowhateverthefack on it? What say Cake?"

Oh my God. That means this bodyguard... he's a traitor! All of us turned to look at the guard, who's charming smile suddenly vanished and he held the knife against Graeae's throat.

He signaled to keep us shut while Graeae struggled against his hold.

"The one time that I try to ship off a person, ends up as a bloody traitor," Joy cursed under her breath as his other teammates came into his house, capturing us all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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