~CHAPTER 3 || Enemy Territory ~

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Let me Go!

Chapter 3 (Remake)

Katie's POV:

 What a wonderful opportunity I've been given!

Who would've thought that I, Katrina Jane Robins, would be kidnapped by the men of my dreams?

To top it all off, the character whom I love and adore with all my heart was the one who swept me off my little feet! You know, it's kinda funny; if I were kidnapped by just some random men, I wouldn't feel this way. At all. But since these are the men I fantasize about each and every day, I wouldn't mind getting kidnapped.

Do I sound like I've gone insane? Well, I shouldn't, because I'm just a 16-year-old living out my fantasies.


 There is a very, very, VERY big gap between fantasy and reality.

This isn't my little 'fantasies', nor is this an 'opportunity' for anything.

All I'm feeling right now is nothing but dread, horror, and fear.

I woke up a little while back. My hands were tied to the back of the chair and my mouth was covered by a white cloth. I squinted my eyes and tried to see if there was anything else in the room. All I could see was a large, blue bed and a teal dresser next to it. I began trying to free my hands, but I failed miserably. Instead of freeing my hands, however, I managed to topple the chair backwards.

        "Shit!" I cursed as the back of the chair squashed my hands.

"Crap, crap, crap!" I frantically started to flail my legs; my screams were concealed by the cloth. Since I couldn't think of anything else to do to escape, I tried to free my hands again. I felt my fingers brush against the end of the rope and with a quick pull; it untied and fell to the carpeted floor. I rubbed my wrists together and glared at the burn marks the rope gave me.

'Thank goodness...' I smiled and began undoing the cloth around my mouth. I knew what to do in this type of situations, and it must have been a gift that the rope was tied rather poorly.

Now what do I do? Even though I successfully got myself free from the chair, that doesn't mean I'm safe; I'm still trapped in their building. I pressed myself against the wooden door and began turning the doorknob frantically. "Come on, come on, open up, you little shit!" I mumbled as the door refused to open. Feeling down casted and hopeless, I backed away from the door and cupped my face in my hands.

        So, douchebag, what's the plan?

I could throw the chair at the door and hope for the best that the door breaks, not the chair.

"They'll hear you, you idiot." I replied to my foolish idea.

I sat on the floor and searching for something to escape with. In the corner of my eye, I saw the blade of a pair of scissors glisten from under the bed. I crawled towards it and began brushing my fingers against the plastic handle. What if I-

The door burst open and hit me square in the face.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as I fell side wards and leaned on the wall. "What the fuck is wrong wi-" I rubbed my forehead, but quickly stopped as I met a pair of brown eyes looking at me.

"Fe-Feli....oh fuck...." I trailed off as I took several steps away from him.


I quickly grabbed him and covered his mouth.

Let Me Go! [Kidnapped! Hetalia x OC]Where stories live. Discover now