~CHAPTER 11|| Help~

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Let Me Go!

Chapter 11!

Uh, with such a lengthy author's note, this might as well be separated into another damn chapter. Anyway, this is a remake of Chapter 11 'cause a friend of mine said that it was actually pretty short. With a chapter being under 1000 words, I felt the need to redo the chapter again, just like everything else. Hah. Anyway! The //Massive// changes begin at 'Silence. An eerie, unsettling silence.'

If my beta added 'furry furry furry furry furry furry' somewhere in the changes and I forgot to erase it, then haha whoops.

(Matryo's Notes from the original)

First of all, before I start with the chapter proper, I'll be announcing that I'm in quite a huge hole at the moment and the lack of a proper keyboard to type on (and decent autocorrect) to assist me is like going onto a battlefield with a gun that you're not sure works or not. I have a lot of stuff planned to do and I wanna finish them up before school pounds on my door. Dang, this couple of chapters are a goddamn trainwreck!

Anyway, off with the next chapter! Double digits!! :D

Fun Fact: There's actually a proper punctuation for the ?! exclamations! It's called an Interrobang! :)
"Please, open up. I'm not here to hurt you..." The voiced repeated, begging for the door to be opened. As much as the voice kept calm and collected, the knocks grew louder, harder and impatient by the minute.

Katie didn't know what the fuck to do! This was the first time she's encountered a female in this godforsaken mansion! And God knows what she'll do to her if she even dares to twist the doorknob open!

With the rusty pair of scissors clutched remarkably tightly in her shaky fingers for dear life, she took several steps away from the wooden door.

She was a goddamn wreck! Her hair was shooting in all sorts of directions due to being pulled mutiple times, her clothes were tattered, crumpled and completely ruined, and her eyes were still red and puffy from the amount of times her tears escaped from them and- she was just a disaster!

"If you don't open, I have keys anyway and-" Katie's eyes widened in horror as she gripped the plastic handle tighter.

"I don't believe you! I don't fucking believe you!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as she swayed from side-to-side as if she wasn't sober. You might as well call her that now, to be honest.

Who knows what happened to her sanity in the span of a week being trapped in a hellhole like this. "If you have the keys, then why don't you open the goddamn door alr-"


The door knob turned and the door was pushed forward, revealing a petite woman with jet black hair brushing against her shoulders. Her deep, brown eyes' penetrating gaze stayed fixed on Katie as she entered the room and closed the door behind her with a 'creak'. She stood there, watching Katie silently, refusing to move a single muscle, adding up to the tense atmosphere the two shared. Her body was hugged in a violet and pink kimono while the flower delicately placed on her forehead looked fresh, like it had been picked yesterday.

But that wasn't what Katie was staring at the entire time. Her eyes fell to the purple, sheathed sword hanging by her left hip. The woman must've caught Katie's horrified gaze; she gave Katie a small smile of reassurance as she took to the sheathed sword, placed it neatly on the ground and kicked it backwards, away from both of them.

"I mean you no harm, just like what I promised." She said, her voice ringing in Katie's ears. "I just want to talk." She put up both of her arms as a sign of defense.

Let Me Go! [Kidnapped! Hetalia x OC]Where stories live. Discover now