The new kid

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Senior year, the year were the promised never ending parties take place, were most of the young men lose their virginity and were they enter adulthood. For most of us students is paradise of never-ending adventures, but for people like me is a constant battleground, were the only allies are the ones that are like you, groups that have to create fear so they can be on the top of the pyramid and survive, be untouchable, like gods and goddesses.

When I move into this little town called 'Camphor Loch' during summer I knew that the moment the others saw me they would already know about the rumors from my old school, how I murder a kid in a fight with my bare hands. I already smell the fear coming from my neighbors after they came to brought us some welcome cookies, their stares of fear of my look, and who wouldn't be not even a little scare to see a tall guy with dark long hair and deep brown eyes that sees people's souls not to mention that he has a red meat stain that covers half of his face.

That is me, even though I wish my attitude was different this time, I couldn't help to intimidate those poor little nerds at lunch, kicked a jock in physical education, start a fight in the hallway and stayed late in the football field watching the team training while smoking another cigarette. Dad says i'm too young to be smoking, that I need to pay attention to my classes and stop getting involved in problems.

I didn't wanted to change my actions those days, I was the biggest predator in highschool an even got my own gang to raised our voices when we wanted to be set free of a classroom of four walls, but now... now I just want to change so I can stay and found out what I saw in the forest that field trip into the forest.

-----------------------------------Flash back-----------------------------------

Friday in the morning, my dad entered into my room shouting and kicking open my door making me jump from my bed scared and angry.

"Today is a nice day to visit the forest, aren't i'm right mijo?", he said while opening the curtains and letting the sun enter my room, making me hide under my covers.

"Papá, is too early, the trip is at 10 am, please leave"

"No sense!" My dad shout," El que madruga dios lo ayuda, that's what your abuelo used to said to me when I was your age!"

I let a groan left my mouth while I took off my covers and sat on the border of my bed, it was just 6 in the morning and my dad got an energy that he could run around the neighbor 3 times without stopping, can't understand how he do it, I can barely have my eyes open the entire morning. But either way, I was excited too because I was going camping in the forest on a school trip, that means that finally I was going into a real forest and not jokes like in the city.

After having breakfast, listening to my dad read a new he saw at the newspaper of an upcoming storm this weekend, and having a chat with my mom of packing some extra clothes in case of needing them. I finally went upstairs to check that I got all I needed for tree days of camping, my dad insisted that I packed the book of my great great grandmother in case I needed to elaborate a natural medicine with plants, also I packed a flashlight and extra batteries, some clothes, and my utility knife, better be prepared.




Even though I insisted that I could walk my way to school so the bus can picked us so we can go to the forest, my mom just didn't let me and now i'm seated on the back seat hiding in my hoodie so the other students can't recognize me, what are there going to think of the rude boy being drive to school by his mother? My friends gonna laugh of it all day and during the weekend.

When we arrived I got down of the car and grab my things as fast as I could before my mother could stopped me and give me a kiss in the check like in preschool, but she was faster than me and stopped and pull me down to give me a huge kiss in the cheek.

"Did you packed extra clothing?" she said looking into my eyes.

"Yes mom, can I go?" {this is so embarrassing!}

"Remember, this isn't like the city, take care and don't get too far away of your group" She said while with her hand she discover my face that was hiding under my lock of hair, examining the stain in my face since little, my birthmark. She caresses my cheek like when I was little, i felted a warm feeling in my heart of those good memories.

"You will always be my baby, even if you don't like to admit it" after those words and a warm hug of my mother, I left her so I can reunited with my group so we can plan some pranks to the players of the soccer team, those guys think they are so perfect with those white smiles, nice hair and hot body, not to mention Fidel, he is the captain of the team as his father, or at least that's what they told me.

Fidel is such a hot dude, all the girls want to date him but for their luck he is already taken by daddy's lil' princess, Brittany, head cheerleader, hottest girl in highschool, daughter of the principal and also winner of beauty contests since diapers.




Finally we arrived to our destiny in the forest, my buddies told me some old legends about the forest and the most recent one that involves one of out classmates, Eris, they said that two years ago she had a sister better than her in everything, that means that in her family Eris was nothing more than just a shadow of her sister, she convince her sister to go into the forest and spend a night in there so both can spend 'a sisters night'... rumors say that Eris took out a knife and sacrifice her sister to the spirits that live in the forest so she can be better than her sisters, she isn't in jail because they couldn't find any evidence of the murder, but people believe it was her fault.

"Are you kidding me?" I said while I raised an eyebrow to the guys.

"No way! She is a witch!" Mike said while standing up from his seat and grab his backpack, "She even carries and old leather notebook where she writes down her spells"

"Right, and I'm the tooth fairy, stain is the easter bunny and James is Saint nicholas" Lucy said while she chew here bubblegum, she is the type of girl that believes everything is a government trick.

"Hey, why i'm saint nicholas?" And here comes james, the oldest leader of the group, I beat him up in a fight and he dye his hair into white.

After a not-childish discussion, we finally got down the bus and walked together to the crowd so we can hear Mr.Maldenson announcement.

"Okay students, this trip is to help you learn about local nature, also is to encourage you to improve your camping skills and teamwork," He stood over a picnic table using a megaphone so we can hear him clearly, "I made up some teams so there can be a balance in every group and all of you can have the same chance of succeeding"

Just great... He took out a list and started calling names, after a minute or more, they finally called the last team.

"Abby Brown, Eris Galantis, Frederick Thompson, Fidel , and Stain Perez-Williams, a group member please come and grab a backpack were you have everything needed for these field trip of science" He just looked at us and the rest of the students waiting for an round of applauses, but he just turned our field trip into something boring without our friends.

And not to mention that instead of being with my gang, i'm with the nerd girl, the social butterfly of fred, the weirdo of Eris, and with the hot jock of Fidel.

Thank you!

For being the one that started this story by my side, sharing quality time not matter what and always listening to me, this is the story we started writting together, our characters, our ideas, our story... but also is my way of keeping your memory alive in my mind, because you'll always gonna have a place in my heart.

This is just a moment to thank you, since we started talking I knew we were ment to get along so well, I learned to love me a little more and to develop ideas with you, this book started as ours, and it will always be ours, feel free to come one day to me again and rejoin this project, i'm not going to push you to anything, the door is open and i'll be there with arms wide open to greet you with a hug.


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