The Nerdy girl

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Magic isn't real and I know what I saw that day is just an illusion of the hit on the head, Is impossible that such thing could happen to people like us, or at least that's what I tried to explain Eris since morning in the library while our 'Research of magical antecedents', while I was reading some old leather diaries from people that used to lived in this town long time before my grandmother was born, Eris was looking for more books and records of the town older since their foundation, she even develop an ability of reading in a super high speed and understanding what she just read.

But what I'm even thinking, she been like this since we were in elementary and we both learned to read at the same time, we did everything together... those old memories make me think of back then when we were like sisters, knowing each other as ourselves and making sleepovers during exam weeks so we can study together and pass, but time changes people and one day you keep a secret from others, that day you started a snowball that grew with every lie you said just to cover that tiny little secret.

I regret the day I kept her a secret, it was just supposed to last a few days until I bought her a new copy of her favorite book, but rumors are the food of this town, people create rumors from an innocent tiny secret to keep the way things were before, leading the new generations to follow their family steps forever.

That's the reason why I believe magic is just an illusion or is science that hasn't got a chance to be discovered, like in the witch-hunting, this town was one of the places that believed in witchcraft and that people in there practiced it and just burned them who looked suspicious or those who just got lucky in something like having the best harvest in the worst year, or finding out a way to cure a sickness by accident.

Well, but after thinking of the accident during the trip to the forest, what if for the first time I'm wrong?


It was already late at morning, mom was driving me to school so I can be there before my group leaves into the trip without me and she was so mad!, I usually don't get this type of problems when we talk about school and the trips, but last night I stood up late checking the weather, what clothes to take and if I take my pills in case I can't sleep or just some bags of tea. I just remember working on my back and then going blank... Oh, holy science! I just realized that I didn't finish working on it! I just got a change or two of clothes, counting I got my pajama packed away.

We are halfway at school, I can't just tell my mom that I forgot to finish my back, she is gonna kill me! Why today? Why me? What is going on today?! Is like luck isn't on my side today, if it existed obviously, is just a thing people said to feel confident that is going to be a good day or a bad day, or just to justify an action of a low percentage that just occur without rational thinking. One thinks science and my family thought me, is that luck doesn't exist, just like dragons, fairies, monsters, unicorns, and magic, they are some inventions some fool create with a lot of imagination.

Many people think I'm a party popper since I was little, that is the reason why I never got many friends in kinder, I just got one... and she was my bestie, but we lived in different worlds, she always thought of magic as something real, when in my opinion I believed science always explained magic, but that never stopped us from being friends... or at least it never did until third grade, I yelled at her because she spilled grape juice in my book of insects, it was an accident... but it was my favorite book, after one of the galaxies, so I told her something I still regret till this date.

"Abigail! Stop daydreaming and move, you might get late if you sit there looking at the sky" My mom shouted at me in anger, she was also going late to work and well... she likes punctuality more than her daughter.

"Sorry mom, just checking my mental list of everything," lie.

" Its okay honey, but can you do it when you're out the car, mommy is going late to work," She said with a voice trying to sound calmed and okay with everything, I just grab my stuff and got down of the car and as soon I closed my door she disappeared leaving a trail of dust.




Not even a minute up on the bus and I already felt a sensation of fear, my hands started to sweat, I saw people talking an joking, but some of them looked at me like if they were planning something... Why I'm feeling so paranoid all for a sudden!?



We finally arrived at the forest, the moment I stood up to leave my seat, the moment lucy pushed me into it again.

"Get lost, nerdy!" She said while laughing, the others just laughed and looked at me, everyone except Frederick, he is not my crush or my friend, but he always treats people so nicely, he just approached me and offered help.

"What a trip, right?" Eris... She was standing in front of me and offering her hand to help me stand up from my seat, I accepted her help just for this case, she is such a dreaming girl with a huge imagination about the world, she dresses a bit weird and also acts so strangely while being alone... she isn't usually accompanied by not a single soul.

"Yes, but what can we expect?" I said while being pulled into my feet again.

"That may be something goes even worse during camping?" She laughed a little while grabbing her back and mine too.

"Did someone told you that you are great at cheering people up?"

After finally getting off the bus and arriving with the rest of the group, I just barely listened to my name being called by the teacher and then listening to other names after mine, It was giving the groups and I got the worst teammates in my life. What I'm about to do with such a group, I mean... at least Fidel can protect us all, Frederick is not useless, Eris just going to pop up with 'witchcraft', and don't mention Stain, he is just a case I don't want to talk about!




After a moment of exhausting walk inside the 'camping zone' I just sat down on a picnic table from the surroundings taking a breath and looking around in case we saw other groups around, and indeed, there were two other camping tends around and the noise of people talking.

"I told you that we need to go further so we can take photos of this bird" stain was almost screaming into Fidel in the face, he looked a bit mad that no one ever listened to him.

"Hey, chill, we are on the borders of the camping zone, if we go further we can be in danger of being robbed or attack by raccoons or squirrels" Fidel tried to calm him down, acting as a leader, for nothing he has been the football captain for three years now.

"And since when do squirrels are so scary, fido?" He started mocking Fidel.

The last thing I saw was how Frederick got between both of them and push them apart with effort, "Hey guys, we all know that if we move apart this area we will accomplish the mission of finding some birds and leaves, but it will cost us a risk, so...instead of fighting, why don't we set it to vote?" Said Frederick, while giving a nervous look to the guys.

"It sounds perfect, Freddy!", I exclaimed calling all the attention of the boys while I jumped from my seat, "so we got two votes to keep in the camping area, a vote for leaving it, in my opinion, is dangerous, we can go and explore it during the day and before night time return" 

We all looked to Frederick waiting for his vote, he was so red and sweated, he just looked the opposite way and the moment he did that, his nerves disappeared in thin air.

"Hey, where is Eris?"

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