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i woke up later that morning to the blaring sound of my alarm clock. as annoying as the sound was, i was thankful it wasn't another heart breaking nightmare.

i turned my alarm clock off and got up for school. today was thursday, one of the hardest days of the week if you ask me.

i just threw on a plain black sweatshirt and pair of jeans, my pretty basic day to day look. my hair was always super messy in the morning, forcing me to brush it for what felt like forever.

once i was all done and ready, i made my way downstairs to see my mom making breakfast and my dad heading out the door for work.

my mom noticed me walk down the stairs and a smile instantly spread across her face. "good morning y/n! i made pancakes for breakfast." she smiled, placing a plate of pancakes in front of me.

i ate quickly, knowing the bus would be here any minute to pick me up. when the bus finally came, i gave my mom a quick hug, slipped on my shoes, grabbed my backpack, and headed out the front door.

when i stepped on the bus it was loud as usual. my seat was near the back which i made my way to, sitting with a boy named jackson. we weren't really friends or anything, he was just someone i'd chat with occasionally on the bus.


i soon arrived in the classroom of my first hour, science, and saw my friend chan sitting in the back of the classroom like normal. i made my way to chan and sat down beside him.

"what nightmare did you have this time?" chan asked with a smile. he always got me to talk about my nightmares in a light and funny way which helped me cope with them.

"oh, just the normal creepy man trying to shoot me." i sarcastically said as the bell rang.

our teacher, mr. park, arrived and welcomed us. "class, we have a new student joining us today." mr. park soon told us.

a boy who looked somewhat familiar to me walked into the classroom. he was smiling brightly and looked at the class happily.

"class, this is lee felix. he just moved here from australia." mr. park told us as felix waved for the class. "would you like to tell the class a little bit about yourself?"

"well, i'm from australia, of course. um, i like playing video games and making friends, oh! i also really like dancing! i even took dance classes back in australia!" felix shared to the class. his accent was strong and his voice was deep, making him seem even more familiar.

"well, welcome to korea! you can go sit in the back with chan and y/n." mr. park motioned towards us.

felix nodded and walked to the back of the class, sitting down next to me. i swear i've seen him before but i was super confused as to where.


class soon ended and the students were rushing out of the classroom, making their way to second hour. i had history next, which i'm assuming felix had as well since he followed me all the way to class.

just like science, i made my way to the back of the class, this time sitting with my friend minho. he always made history, an insanely boring class, the most fun time.

"got yourself a boyfriend, huh?" minho smirked, looking over at felix who sat down next to me.

i was about to speak, before felix spoke for me. "no, i'm the new student from australia." he smiled brightly.

"oh, well, welcome i guess." minho laughed, getting his papers out.


finally, lunch had come. i was starving and was eager to eat food as soon as possible.

as normal, i went to sit with my eight friends. chan and minho of course, accompanied by woojin, changbin, hyunjin, jisung, seungmin, and jeongin. all nine of us were laughing and getting along like usual until i looked across the cafeteria.

there, sitting at a table all alone and awkward, was felix. poor thing. he just moved from a whole different country and was probably confused and lonely with the culture shock. i felt so bad for him, so i did what i had to do.

i quietly stood up and walked over to the table felix was sitting at. "hey, wanna come sit with us?" i asked as he looked up at me from his food.

"oh, s-sure." he grinned, his eyes sparkling. he followed me to our table, sitting down right next to me.

"everyone, this is felix, the kid who moved from australia."

"cool! hi felix! i'm jisung!" jisung smiled brightly.

soon everyone introduced themselves, including felix himself, and we carried on with our normal conversations. i'm surprised felix was so easy to talk to this early, but i enjoyed that he felt like he fit in.

"oh yeah, forgot to ask you y/n, what kind of nightmare did you have last night?" seungmin laughed.

"oh, just a guy trying to kill me is all. no big deal." i sarcastically laughed.

felix tapped my shoulder. "what do you mean by nightmare? is everything okay?" he asked worriedly, his voice slightly shaking.

"oh, i have nightmare disorder," i stopped myself as i looked into his eyes.

a lightbulb went off in my head and, judging by the look on his face, a lightbulb went off in felix's head too.

and that's when we both knew we found our soulmate.

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