{06} chapter 5

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Ok I'm just going to say this now while I'm doing this I'm going to skip the Hero killer part. Because if I'm going to be Honest I'm not good at describing fights mostly that one so sorry.

Ichika's P.O.V.

It's been few days since the Incident and let's just say My Magic Isn't like it use to be. Being in this World is making my Magic turn into a 1/3 of a Quirk. I have Drawbacks Now and My attacks take a bit more magic now. Shouta and I have been Training since I got out of the hospital. I had Bandages on my Arms and My Neck.
Mido, Todo and Ilda are Fine thankfully I was glad I saved them in time. I was scolded by Shouta sadly he looked so worry which made me smile honestly.  Everyone here cares so much for me and I feel welcomed finally. Max hasn't left my side since I got back from the hospital, unless I was training with Shouta.
When I came to school the next day I was asked a lot of questions. Ilda yelled at me for ripping the sleeves of my school shirt and I pouted. I always cared my whip on my hip the school allowed it. Plus if no one is listening it's a perfect way to get everyone's attention.
"Nana?" Ochaco asked and I looked at her.
"Yeah?" I asked confused and everyone was looking at me worried.
"Are you okay you have bandages on your arm and neck?" Mina asked.
" Huh oh yeah just makes Burns and Cuts! " I giggled and I unbuttoned my shirt a bit and took my Neck bandages off and everyone gasped.
"Your neck!?" Midoriya yelled.
"Huh ohh the scar I got this years ago don't worry" I said buttoning my shirt back up. I put my scarf on and take my Arm bandages off throwing them away.
"You have a tattoo?" Momo asked and I nodded.
"It's my Families emblem. It mean "even if I can't see you I'm always looking in your direction"." I said making an L with me Hand.
"My Friends and my Foster brother all have one. Me and my Brother have ours in similar spots." I explained.
" You really don't talk about yourself this is all new" Kaminari added and I frown.
" Kaminari don't be so insensitive" Jiro said slapping him making some of us laugh including me.
Then bakugo walked in and Sero,Me and Kirishima started laughing at him.
"Holy, crap! What the heck, Bakugo?" They both said and I just stare at him giggling and laughing.

" stop laughing, my hair's gotten used to it and I can't get it back the right way." Bakugo said shaking and I smiled.
"It's cute" I said and Sero and Kirishima laughed and bakugo's face turned slightly red.
"Did you not hear me? I'll kill you three." Bakugo said.
"I would like to see you try pretty boy! " Sero said and Bakugo's hair pop up making me laugh again.
"What'd you call me? " Bakugo shouted. I had to get away from thoses three so I walked away giggling.
"ጎ ረዐሀቿ ጎፕ ዘቿዪቿ(I love it here) " I said and everyone looked at me funny.
"What?" I asked.
"Did you speak so weird language? " Ojiro asked and I frowned.
"Awww man I did it again..... Mr. Aizawa called me out for it yesterday..... Dam it yeah I did you see i've able to speak other languages since I was little, including the one that I just spoke. Sometimes I do it without noticing" I explain and they nodded bakugo just Glared at me.
"That's so cool! " Toru and Ochaco said and I giggled and nodded. Everyone went back to there conversation and I sat at my desk while he was between bakugo and Mido.
"Suzuki-chan how was your internship here? " Mina asked and I put my hand on my chin.
"It was amazing I got to find way to Beat the Heros without my Quirk and Fight around there attacks and methods. I also went on a rescue mission with Present Mic it was Fun. But I think I might of when , deaf for the day after that" I explained giggling. Mina, Tsu and jiro smiled. I think the others noticed that in the beginning I wanted nothing to do with anyone here and I wanted to go home. The teachers explain to everyone that my family was from a place no one headed of and I couldn't get back so easy.

I took my notebook out and started doodling.
"If you want to talk about who changes it's those three and Suzuki" Kamanari said and I tensed up and looked at my notebook.
"Oh, yeah! The hero killer and that Green haired Tattooed man" Sero said and I froze and hung my head low. I  grit my teeth.
"You mean ꒯ꏂꋬꂵꏂꋊ(Deamen)" Tokoyami said and I clenched my fisted they where turning white.
"Glad you guys made it back alive. Seriously" Kirishima said. Kirishima and Sero were being held by there collars by bakugo.
"I worried about you, too" Momo said and I felt stares at me and I got up and Left trying to hold tears back and I went to the Teacher's lounge and walked in. I noticed they all looked at me but my head stared low and I walked over to Shouta and he Hugged me and I cried into his chest. The hero all Hugged me as I cried.
'Deamen .... He.... They Croupted him..... They Croupted my best friend outside Fairytail...... I feel so helpless' I thought.
"It's okay dear" Midnight said and I cried harder. When they let go Shouta placed me on the couch I was falling asleep. I hadn't gotten much sleep lately.
"Will she be okay? " Mic asked.
"Yeah that Fight with her Ex-friend has been messing with her" Shouta explained.
"Let her rest I think the students brought it up making her upset." Toshi said and I heard everyone leave for there classes and I slept.

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