The deal

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Sans was doing his usual fight with Frisk during her 12th genocide route. But Sans saw something... Something wrong with Frisk's expression instead of being, cold and emotionless she was... Crying? Sans could see she was suffering. He wanted to help her but... how? Then Sans got an idea that he may regret but Frisk. The real Frisk was his friend he knew exactly who was making Her do this... CHARA... so Sans was going to help. "Chara I know that you're there!" Sans yelled causing Chara to respond "Yes Comedian?" Chara said, "what if... I make a d-deal with you?" Sans gulped. Which interested Chara! "Interesting I'm listening Comedian!" Chara said excitedly... "what if... you give Frisk back her soul and body?" He said not finished "yes go on Comedian!" Chara said getting impatient "and in return you take my soul and possess me i-instead?" Sans said trembling hoping it would work... Unfortunately for Sans it did! "Deal!" Chara said leaving Frisk's body and giving her the soul back! "S-Sans p-please don't d-do this because of me!" Frisk exclaimed! "I'm sorry Frisk" sans apologies "Pay up Comedian!" Sans sigh sealing the deal by give Chara his soul and to finish Chara possessed sans! Frisk tried to hold back tears that threatened to fall but she couldn't! "S-Sans are... are you still th-there?" Frisk ask Sans who's head was hanging down. "K-kid re-reset and save yourself and everyo-AHAHAHAHAHAHA I forgot how good it feels to be real! Huh? Heheheheh I guess I better help ya reset HUH!" Chara yelled getting hyper after using a red eye lights Sans to fire numerous amounts of bones and gaster blasters at Frisk!

To be continued...
Sorry everyone my second story and it's already short but don't worry I will post as much as I can anyway see you in a few hours my lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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