(Dr. Stone)Cotton Candy Machine - Senku Ishigami x Reader

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Despite spending the majority of his time in the science lab with the Chemistry club, his school was just like any ordinary school. And that includes school events . And to be specific; his class had to participate in the school festival that is dated to be held within the end of the month of April.

Senku sighs heavily as he slowly puts the cotton candy machine together with a few of his other classmates, a deep frown on his face. His classmates only laugh nervously as they placed the parts on the table while another person helped him assemble it.

"I don't think it would be that bad, Ishigami-kun. The festival is only going to last for a couple of days."

"You know what I could be doing within those couple of days? I could've had time to finish my robot prototype! Ugh..curse these screwed up education systems.."

Senku curses as he locks the last part in place, the scowl deepening as his classmates softly applaud at the finished product. Taiju heaves over and places a large box of ingredients right by Senku's table. He looks at his childhood friend with a bright smile, placing his hands on his hips.

"Cheer up, Senku! At least our class isn't doing something that requires a ton of effort right? Compared to [ f/n ]-chan's class, they're going to be putting on a play! From the sound of it, they seem to be really passionate about it!"

Taiju says as he averts his gaze out the window, the said girl's class standing outside. A few people were holding what seems to be a script in their hands, speaking amongst each other as someone was waving their hands. Senku and the others peer outside the window, the white haired male looking towards [ f/n ]'s direction as he watches her laugh with her classmates. He feels his gaze softened a bit, almost allowing himself to smile just from witnessing the small action. But unfortunately, Senku wasn't the only one who looked at the familiar [ h/c ] haired girl.

"[ l/n ]-san sure is beautiful when she smiles, right?"

"Yeah, not only is she beautiful but she's so talented! I wouldn't be surprised if she got the lead role."

Senku side glanced towards his classmates as his lips form a pout, his brows furrowing together as they all agreed and started talking amongst themselves. But as he turns his gaze back out the window, his red eyes were immediately caught from [ e/c ] colored eyes. Senku slightly stiffened from the sudden eye contact, [ f/n ] sending him a smile his way before waving her hand slightly. He stared at her as his cheeks felt a bit warm, about to raise his own hand to wave back his own greeting but it was interrupted when his classmates started to wave back eagerly. [ f/n ] blinks in surprise, before laughing and waving back at the group before she was called back to her own group.

"[ l/n ]'s so beautiful, isn't she?? Hey, Ishigami-kun! You grew up with her, didn't you? What was she like?"

The male that they called out looked at them with a raised brow before he left from his spot, reaching over to grab the machine they had finished building. Their eyes were on him as they waited for his answer, watching him look back at the small admiring posse before he sends them a smirk.

"She's a total nerd who never left the library. That's what she was like growing up."

"Are you serious? That can't be true!"

"Don't doubt me, fellas. I don't lie." Senku reasons as he shrugs his shoulders before leaving to place the machine in front of the classroom. The class rep thanks him before she speaks with the other members, another male taking the machine to take it out of the classroom. As Senku goes back to his own desk, he looks at his things before taking a seat and going back to theorizing in his notebook.

A couple of days go by as every class was prepping for the fated weekend for the school festival. It was getting more hectic each day and it was irritating Senku that he hasn't gotten the chance to work on any projects ever since this event started. The bell rang, signifying that their last class has finally ended and it was time to head home. Since it was the final day of prep, everything has been finalized and all that was left was to go home and prepare for the event tomorrow. Senku started to gather his things, putting his notes away as he hears his name being called from the door. He looks up to notice Taiju happily jumping and waving from the door, Yuzuriha also peeking inside the classroom. As he rose from his seat to meet up with them at the door, he looked up from his phone and notices a familiar [ h/c ] haired girl speaking with another student before she waves while saying her goodbyes. She looks back and makes eye contact with Senku, causing him to glance away for a moment before adjusting his bag.

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