(7) Confrontation

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The week that passed after that day in the hospital wing was rather uneventful, well, whatever uneventful applies to Harry. He's been receiving countless teasing from the Weasleys, surprisingly even Ron, when asked about it he would just shrug and say 'better him than anyone else'. Ginny receives them too, but from her parents, Sirius, Remus and Tonks instead, her brothers were too scared of her to do so. While Harry blushed, she would just laugh and pat their back.

As for Tonks, Harry managed to convince Sirius to contact her and Andromeda seeing as they are the only currently decent human beings in the Black family. That was why they spent Christmas with them. Harry already has seen Remus glancing at her way every so often and staring longer than usual, when caught by his honorary nephew, he would blush. At least they could get together earlier, thought Harry.

The school year ended with flying colors, once again Dumbledore presenting blunt favoritism which lifted Gryffindor from last place to the winner of the House cup. Harry honestly couldn't care less and would rather be at home at the moment. When he, Ron and Hermione borded the train, he immediately invited them for the summer, Ron agreed because he knew his parents would approve while Hermione told them she might be able to come around the end of July for Harry's birthday.

The train ride home was spent laughing and ridding the cotents of the Trolley Lady's Trolley. Slowly, grey skies entered the view of the window which indicated they were near King's Cross Station. He started fiddling with the hem of his sweater with nervousness, he promised Ginny they would tell her mother, Sirius and Remus today and he felt as if time can't be any faster.

With an abrupt halt of the train, he grumbled while reaching up to get his trunk bidding and hugging Hermione goodbye. Harry grinned slightly at Ron's expression watching her go, it wasn't that obvious but he knew his best mate well. He and Ron peered over dozens of heads before settling on a family of gingers next to a mop of Black shaggy hair and sand colored hair.

He ran up to Sirius first and engulfed him in a hug, making the man chuckle. "Missed me Prongslette?" he asked eyes twinkling. He's never been more happy that he was now. Harry pulled away to scrunch his face thus lifting his glasses, he turned to hug Remus while answering, "Nah, I just miss my favorite Moony." He grinned cheekily while Sirius feint hurt, putting the back of his palm on his forehead. Remus laughed, "Everything okay little Prongs?" he asked. Harry's face drained of color as he turned to both the dog and wolf, "The thing me and Ginny have to tell you today is very important, please take it seriously and don't get mad." he warned both of them before casually strolling to Mrs. Weasley who was fussing over Ron.

"Hey Mrs. Weasley!" Harry greeted, beaming. Mrs. Weasley stepped forward and hugged Harry with her signature bone-crushing ones. She pulled away and attempted to straighten Harry's hair before scowling a little and utterly failing, "Hello Harry dear.." she asked smoothening Harry's wrinkled shirt. He glanced at his sides before looking at Mrs. Weasley who attempted to look casual. The fact that she was whistling when she absolutely despises that noise was enough to do so.

"Mrs. Weasley where's Gi-" he never got off to finishing his question when his vision was further impared by Red hair and balance slightly faltering when two legs wrapped around his waist from behind. She covered his eyes with one hand while the other went over his shoulders, "I would normally say 'Guess who' but I think you have years of experience knowing it's me." she laughed.

Harry smiled and tossed her in the air, catching her, now facing Ginny, "How's my favorite ginger doing?" he asked her, hugging her tight and discreetly kissing her hair.

Cries of joking outrage came from the family known for red hair, fortunetly, they hadn't noticed the slip up when Ginny mentioned, 'for years'. It had attracted the attention of both Sirius and Remus who glanced at each other warily before grinning. Their thoughts drifted back to what Harry mentioned earlier, 'It's really important'. They speculated that he and Ginny have grown feelings for each other and are currently in panic mode, seeking help from them and advice as how to handle Molly Weasley's wrath.

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