Part Three: Too Much For A Day

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Hello again, SpyElites. After the big hot fight yesterday, our two boys went in the arrest and they have some very special visitors...
Tyler was sleeping when he heard footsteps and bars opening. He looked straight to see an old man approaching with a police officer.

"I will go for the documents. Wait here." The officer said and leaved.

"Dad. You came!" He smiled embracing him, but then his face changed. "I am sorry..."

"I am not the one who you should tell that, son." His father said moving his head to a brunette girl who was coming to them.

"Selena?" Tyler was surprised to see her here. "Look.. I am sorry about what happened on your birthday. I really am and will und-" But she didn't allow him to continue and hugged him.

"I am glad that you are okay." He smiled after hearing these words.

Meanwhile, KJ and his sister, Abbey, were in the arrest too to get his best friend out of there.

"Who are you?" A police officer asked. "A parent have to come to get him."

"I am his father." KJ pulls out 100$. The officer looked around to be sure no one will see him and got them.

He let them pass and Zac smiled wild when he saw them.

"I owe you one, man." Zac greeted his best friend and then looked at the girl next to him. "Abbey!" He said happily and huged her through the bars. "Wow. Look how grown up you are! You look great." Zac told without trying to flirt with her. She actually is the only girl who he didn't try his chances with, not only because she is his best friend's little sister, but he really respects and loves her as his own. "What are you doing here?"

"I can ask you the same thing." She laughed. "Seriously, what happened?" Zac's face went down. She knew exactly what that meant. "Fight again? With who?"

"You see this boy right there?" He showed with head where to look.

"The one with the brunette girl and the man in front of him?" She asked and Zac nodded. "He's cute."

"And don't know with who to mess." He's eyes looked mad at the boy.

"Wow, wow, wow, Z. No." Zac turns to KJ. "Don't do anything stupid, okay? You have enough problems with your dad..."

"Oh, I won't do anything that bad, man." Zac answered looking at Selena. "I just want a revenge." He smirked while the people from the other side of the room leaved.


Brooke was cleaning a table at the restaurant when her phone buzzed.

'I am finishing the class same time as you work. You want to come and then go doing something?' Nathan texted her.

'It’s a date.' She answered him and continued working.

"Excuse me." She turned around. "Do you know how to get to Edison High?" A raven-haired girl asked her. "I need to go there, but have no idea how to do it from here." They laughed.

"Actually, I am going there after work. We can go together after an hour, if you don't hurry." Brooke proposed.

"That’s really kind of you. Thank you." The girl smiled. "I am Camila, by the way."

"Brooke. Nice to meet you." They shook hands. "Um... you can sit and wait here. You want anything?"

"Café con leche. Gracias, querida!" She smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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