Shallow or deep?

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The water  is so deep

Or is it really?

for all, we know 

the dark waters are shallow

never exceeded more than a few feet

it may or maybe not,

explored but unexplored

charted yet uncharted

what are you really?

Do you take me silly?

Am I in the shallow?

or am I in the deep?

am I in the ground?

or in the cliff that's steep?

For all, we know we are different

In that, we are same

that opinion 

not made by the sane

now I ask again,

Am I in the shallow?

or am I in the deep?

is the darks waters light?

does it give fright?

or maybe give life?

Are the light waters,

 easy and breezy?

peacefull,  yet crazy?

 does it take a life?


the shallow is dangerous

the deep is forgiving

the light is unliving

the deep is loving

now I ask again,

are the dark waters shallow?

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