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Sunshine: Morning!

Agust D: Hos eok..

Sunshine: Yeah?

Agust D: It's 5:00 am.. You should be sleeping.

Sunshine: I always get up at this time.

Agust D: I don't.. can I sleep now.

Sunshine: Aw. Well I'm bored, and there's no one to talk to. I figured you'd be up.

Agust D: I'm up now. What do you want to talk about.

Sunshine: Well I don't know.

                         Agust D is typing...

Agust D: Um. So you want to talk but you don't know what to talk about.

Sunshine: Yeah..

Sunshine: Wait I have a idea!

Agust D: Which is..?

Sunshine: Why don't we see each other some time? I mean you seem like a nice person and all!

Agust D: We started talking just yesterday.. aren't you afraid of meeting someone you don't know?

Sunshine: Not at all! I love meeting new people.

Agust D: Well..

Sunshine: Please? I would really love to see you!

Agust D: You've seen my pictures on my page already.

Sunshine: But seeing someone in person is different from seeing someone on a screen.

Agust D: I can't argue with that remark..

Sunshine: So..?

Agust D: I guess we could meet some day.

Sunshine: Thank you Yoon Gi!

Agust D: Yeah yeah.. can I go back to bed now?

Sunshine: Okay okay you can go to bed.

Agust D: Thank you. Make a plan to meet up later?

Sunshine: Of course! Goodnight/Morning

Agust D: Goodnight/Morning

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