A Dangerous Liaison

665 9 4

Trigger warnings: cheating, lying, manipulative behaviour, minor emotional abuse, suicide (marked by****) and other mature themes.

Smut but they dont actually fuck, if you get me?

Both aged 19 (Gerard is older)
Gerard is dominant for a change

For as long as he had remembered, Frank hated stability. He hated the idea of settling down and sticking to a partner. He especially hated the fact that his heart liked to wander. This time his heart had found its way to a boy who seemed to be out of reach. The boy stood a good few inches taller than him. His name was Gerard. Gerard was one of Frank's small group of friends (and a recent enemy of his) and he was rather good looking. Frank of course knew this and on many occasions found himself imagining the two of them meeting up in secret like they did when they were single.

His main problem with these thoughts was the fact he had a girlfriend, Jamia. However, Frank had recently found out that Jamia was seeing her ex, Taylor, behind his back so he didnt feel too bad about what he was about to do. His mind went over the plan again before deciding it was a reasonable thing to do. He opened up Instagram and started texting Gerard.

Frankiexoxo: Hey Gee.

Gerard._.Way: Hey Frankie. Whats up?

Frankiexoxo: Not much. Can you meet me?

Gerard._.Way: I thought we agreed not to do that anymore?

Frankiexoxo: I changed my mind. Miss you too much ;)

Gerard._.Way: No.

Frankiexoxo: Why not? :(

Gerard._.Way: We are both dating other people and it's wrong and you treat me like shit afterwards. Infact you've been treating me like shit for months, so no. No fucking way!

Frankiexoxo: But baby please. It'll be a one time thing and I promise I'll change. I want to make things right between us.

Gerard._.Way: You said that last time! We both know its bullshit! Just admit you're only doing this because you cant stand to see me happy when your life is shit!!!

Frankiexoxo: Gee you know thats not true...

Gerard._.Way: I can tell when you're lying Frank.

Frankiexoxo: I'm not I swear. Please? Just this once. I promise no one will know.

Gerard._.Way: Fine. Just dont make me regret it.

Frankiexoxo: Oh trust me I won't.

Gerard._.Way: Wait! What about Lindsey and Jamia?

Frankiexoxo: I wont tell if you dont ;)


Frank answered the call. "Hey handsome," he said seductively. "Where are we meeting?" The other man asked bluntly. Frank thought for a moment. "Our old spot," he said. Gerard muttered something in agreement. "See you in five sugar," Frank said before hanging up the phone.

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