. : ~The Fourth Chat "The Glitch Just Typed"~ : .

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: . ~First Person's POV~ . :

Billie227 texted to all of them after the fight between April and Sunset. "I told you I didn't see those pictures before, April." Sunset said trying to make sure her side of the story was still just. "Well then, who the hell is Billie?" April yelled and then Billie227 typed

Billie227: Hello : )

"I told you I didn't post those photos, April." Sunset said still defending herself. "Guys, who is this person?" April asked her friend before they all said in different ways "I don't know." "Was he here the whole time?" She asked in confusion before Twilight answered "I don't know. Boruto, I thought you said this was a glitch." April in both anger frustration and fear said "Well the glitch just TYPED!" Then Billie sent a message to all of them saying:

Billie227: Guess who?

Everyone just looked at the message in fear and in silence. Twilight's dog Spike barked and left her room for food to find when she said "Who is doing this?" "Um, made it's Raven, ya' know?" Boruto said before Twilight and April said at the same time "Stop it. It's not funny." That's when Sunset suggested out of the blue in a fast hurry by the tongue "Maybe it's her friend Beast Boy." "What?" April asked in a manner that explained that she was confused. "He was a bit of a creeper." Sunset explained defending her point. "Not THAT creepy. Stalker, maybe. Even a bit of a weirdo, but not THAT creepy!" April said tried of suggestions and ready for some answers as to who is behind the game this person is playing. "Maybe it's a troll." Adrien said making Twilight squint in confusion. "What's a troll?" She asked. "It's an internet troll. They try a get a reaction outta you." He explained to her before Twilight asked "Can any of you hang up on them?" None of their responses were a yes, and they all said no in a choirs. "Okay, I'll take care of this creep!" April said before adjusting her seat more towards the computer screen and saying to Billie227 "Hey, Billie! You're a f*cking a$$hole if you don't take these pics down from Facebook. And if you don't take them down, I'll go over there where you are, and beat you with my bat. It took a few seconds till Billie responded, but when they did, they said:

Billie227: Sounds good to me. 👍 But you wouldn't like it where I am.

April looked at that post in disgust and surprise. "Who the h*ll is this person?" She asked no one in particular, but it was worth noting. They all tried to rap their heads around this strange person that is bothering them with no end. Leo groaned in frustration and said "Alright, that's enough f*cking around. Hands up; who's doing this?" Twilight, Leo, Boruto, April, Adrien, and Sunset put their hands up. In that order. That's when another post from Billie227, without no one touching their keyboards, was sent to all six of them. It read:

Billie227: Who's doing this?

They all put down their hands and just looked at the reply in fear. Not one of them were prepared for what they read, and it was only three words. Three small and simple words: "who's doing this":

Billie227: Is there a problem, guys?

No one knew what to say to that. What can you say? There's only one thing that they wanted to ask, but not one of them dared to ask it again. Who is this person? That's when April was getting something from Billie227. "I'm getting something from Billie." She said not directing her eyes away from what was keeping her attention. It took a moment but when she got it, she exclaimed and yelled out "WHERE THE H*LL DID YOU GET THIS?!" She kept on yelling while Sunset smirked and taunt her telling her she shouldn't have posted her, ahem, parts on the internet. "You know what? No. That's it. I'm calling the cops now, f*cker. See where that gets ya'." Everyone told her not to do it, that it wasn't necessary to call the cops in the situation their in. But despite their pleads, she didn't listen to them. That's when Billie posted:

Billie227: I wouldn't do that if I was you.

April didn't look at the post and just said in riled up anger before leaving the chat "If I find out that you're doing this, Boruto, I'm gonna kill you!" With her statements and claims, she left the chatroom leaving Boruto a bit insulted. "Did you hear her? She said she'll kill me, ya' know?!"

To be continued~!.....

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