Chapter Eight

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Rose turned over in her bed. She was aware of a smell that was lingering in the air. She sighed, sitting up and stretching her arms out. She didn't see John anywhere around, so she figured that he had gone home. She remembered putting Tony to bed after they ate the slightly-burnt Mac and cheese Rose had made, then she remembered going up to her room and passing out. She frowned a little and sniffed the air again.

Mum must be cooking, Rose thought. She looked out the window. Jackie's car wasn't in the driveway.

Rose bolted out of bed. She looked outside her room. About three metres away, an orange blaze was burning through the house. Rose ran the other way down the hallway. "Tony!" She yelled, shaking him. "Come on, Tony! Get up!"

Tony opened his eyes. "Rose? What-"

"No time! Come on, we have to go!" Rose took Tony's hand and ran through the hallway, toward the stairs.

Tony broke her grip. "Rose, I forgot something!" He ran back in to the room. "I can't find it! Maybe mum-" Tony suddenly let out a scream.

Rose ran in to the room. Tony was surrounded by flames. Rose took a deep breath, smoke filling her lungs, and ran through the flames. She grabbed Tony, lifting him above the flames, and ran back through.

Rose wanted to scream. The pain was almost unbearable. She wanted to just collapse, to just lay there. But she couldn't. She had to get Tony outside, had to get him safe. Rose ran through the house, avoiding the flames of the fire as much as she could. She started coughing. She smoke was making her eyes water.

One more turn... Rose ran for the corner, debris from the roof falling all around her. A large chunk of debris hit her cheek, burning white-hot. She cried out, stumbling and falling

Tony slid off her back. "Get down the stairs! Go to the door!" Rose shouted, coughing. "I'll be there soon!" Tony ran for the back door. Rose tried to get up. She fell. "No..." She groaned. She put all her remaining strength in to one last try. She brought herself to her feet, started walking toward the stairs. She heard a crack above her, and made a break for it.

Rose ran, trying to avoid falling debris. She got to the stairs and tried to go down them as fast as she could. Suddenly, one foot slipped out from behind her, and she fell on to the steps. She busted her chin on one of them, but didn't have enough time to let herself feel the pain. She slid down the stairs.

Just... just one more push... Rose looked at the door. Four steps and she'd be there.

Rose pushed, her raw and burnt skin making her scream out. She could feel blood from her chin running down her neck.

One step.

She would need to go to the hospital. That was a must.

Two steps.

She hoped that Tony was safe. Rose couldn't bare the thought of him being as hurt as she was. She didn't know exactly how much pain she was feeling because of the shock, shutting off some of the pain. But still, she knew it would be bad. And she hoped Tony wouldn't be feeling even half of that.

Three steps.

Rose heard a sickening snap from up above. A large chunk of the roof fell from above and landed on Rose. Rose screamed, instantly knowing that the debris had shattered her leg. Rose was barely conscious, only a step from the door.

This is it, she thought. I'm... I'm gonna die.

Rose's vision was going black. She couldn't breathe. She heard what sounded like sirens... Then felt two strong hands yank her out from under the debris, out the door. Rose's head was jostled, and she slipped into unconsciousness.

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