Chapter Seven

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As Rose came in the house, Tony darted outside. Rose closed the door behind him without noticing that he had left. "Hello Doctor!" He exclaimed gleefully.

The Doctor smiled at him. "Hello Tony Tyler."

"How do you know Rose?"

The Doctor's smile wavered. He looked at Tony for a few long moments. "Come along with me and I'll tell you."

"Alright!" Tony agreed enthusiastically. The Doctor walked ahead, bags in hand. Tomy wondered what was in the bag. He asked the Doctor that question.

"These are parts to fix my TARDIS."

"What's a tardish?"

The Doctor looked puzzled for a minute, then another smile broke out across his face. "I suppose I haven't given you the famous TARDIS speech then, now have I?"

"I don't think so... If you did, I forgot it."

"Well, TARDIS is an acronym standing for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. She can travel through space and time, hence the name. You may have been taught that time is a linear plane of events, but my TARDIS proves that time is nothing more than a bunch of wibbly wobbly timey wimey nonsense." The Doctor finished off his sentence will some wide and thrashing gestures.

Tony laughed. "You're a funny man," he said in between laughs. This made the Doctor smile. "Where are we going, anyway?"

"To my TARDIS. I thought you might like to help me fix her up."

Tony's face lit up. "Really?"

"Sure!" Tony glowed at the Doctor's enthusiasm. He hadn't been trusted with much, and the fact that the Doctor had even considered letting him help with something as important-sounding as fixing his TARDIS.

The Doctor looked down at Tony, smiling. "Do you like to run?" Tony nodded, and no sooner then that the Doctor was off and running, Tony not far behind.

The Doctor ran the rest of the way to the TARDIS, Tony now running at a steady pace beside him. The Doctor held out an arm for Tony to stop, then grabbed Tony's hand as they walked across the crosswalk. Neither of them said anything, both glowing for different reasons.

The Doctor had found Rose.

Tony was being treated like an adult.

Neither knew why the other was beaming so brightly, but then again, neither of them really cared.

Tony looked ahead as the two neared a big blue box. "Is that the... the..." Tony couldn't get out the word TARDIS through the big gasps of air he was taking in, but the Doctor understood him all the same.

"Yes, that's the TARDIS," The Doctor gave a long slow whistle. "And isn't she a beauty?"


The Doctor nodded. "She."

"Okay... Then I guess she's a beauty." Tony giggled. "Why do we have to fix her?"

"She has a few fried circuits, nothing too bad."

"Oh," Tony pretended to understand and be useful. The Doctor threw open the TARDIS doors, gesturing for Tony to enter. Tony looked inside and smiled. The TARDIS was truly a beauty. He walked inside.

The Doctor walked around what looked like a giant game controller. He lifted up a floor panel, revealing some fused-together wires. "These are what we need to replace," the Doctor looked back at Tony. "Think you can help with something like this?" Tony nodded and they got to work.

A bit later, Tony stood up, stretching out his back. He and the Doctor had finally finished. It was actually pretty fun, working with his older sister's friend.

"And now for your reward?"

"Reward?" Tony looked at the Doctor. The fact that he had been trusted was reward enough.

"Yes, reward, Tony." He pulled out a key. "This is a TARDIS key. As long as you have this, you can always get in to the TARDIS."

"Wow," Tony gasped. "Doctor, you're awesome!" Tony took the key.

"Would you like me to walk you back to your house?" The Doctor asked.

"No, I think I can manage," Tony replied, not taking his eyes off the key.

"Alright. Goodbye, Tony." The Doctor closed the TARDIS door after him.

Tony ran all the way home, staring at the key as if it would disappear if he took his eyes off of it. He opened the door of the mansion, taking the stairs to his room two at a time. He then stashed the key in his drawer, staring at it in there. He really trusts me with this. Tony smiled and walked out of his room, ready to face his sister's wrath.

"Where have you been?" She questioned.

"I was helping the Doctor," Tony answered, earning a questioning look from Rose, though she didn't question him and further.

"Anyway, me and John are babysitting you tonight." Rose informed Tony. Tony smiled. It was always fun when the two babysat him, even though he hated the term 'babysitting.'

Tony walked back in to his room, staring again at the key before closing the drawer.

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