Chapter 3 - The Truth

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Visuals again!! The man on the left is how I pictured Ben. The top right is exactly how I pictured Linda & the bottom right is Brooke. Thanks again for reading and enjoy!!!

So why do you have to leave early again?" Bethany asked with an expression of bewilderment on her face.

"I told you, it's my mom's birthday and we have reservations set exactly at seven o'clock tonight. I can't be late or I will never hear the end of it."

"Yeah, totally understandable. We can go out another time, have a day solely dedicated to a girl's day out." Jennifer added with a satisfied look on her face.

"No, yeah, totally. We'll set aside a weekend just for the three of us. I'll make it up to you guys!" I said feeling a little guilty for running out on my friends an hour early from our pizza plans.

As I made my way to my car, I gave my friends an apologetic look as saw the time on my phone projecting 6:05 pm.

"Again, I'm really sorry."

"Don't worry about it, Avery!" Bethany yelled and finished with a giggle.

"Yeah, we have plenty of other opportunities to hang out. Have fun tonight, okay?" Jennifer added with a smile and a wave.

As much as I wanted to take my friend's advice and enjoy myself tonight, I knew that wouldn't happen. My parents have been on the verge of exploding on each other ever since their little dispute that basically shook the whole house. Apparently, Brooke wasn't affected by their loud arguing for in the morning she had no recollection of what had happened the previous night. I didn't want to be the one to tell her the bad news of our parents' marriage falling into a rocky patch so I assumed it would be better to keep Brooke in the dark. I just don't know how long Brooke will be hidden from what is going on in our very own home.

~ ~ ~ ~

I made it to the restaurant with a few extra minutes to spare. My rose gold MK watch appointed the time as being 6:56 with no sign of Brooke, it was only me and my dad sitting alone on the table suited for four.

"Maybe they're both just running late," my dad trailed off with little confidence in his voice.

"Yeah, that's it. I mean they probably hit traffic or something. Mom can't miss her own birth-"

Before I could finish my reassuring advice to my dad, Brooke's furious facial expression and her storm of a walk made both of us stare in awe because I don't think either of us has ever seen Brooke so angry. Brooke didn't usually get angry very easily and we all knew that it took a lot to stir things up with her and that she just wouldn't get mad at someone for any reason. The burning fire of anger found its way out of her light green eyes even from across the restaurant; it was obvious to the both of us. Being so busy having our eyes fixed on Brooke completely distracted my dad and I from noticing my mother sneaking her way on to the dinner table. I met my mother's gaze as she gave me a worried, fearful expression that shifted my attention to her instead of my furious sister. Just as my dad stood up from his seat shouting, "Brooke, wait a second!" I turned to see my sister storming out of the restaurant with a disappointed stare set in stone on my mother. There was dangerous tension between my sister and mother yet it was all going unsaid but rather exchanged with death looks beamed at each other from at least 30feet away from each other.

"What's wrong with Brooke?" I said as I slowly began to stand up to go after her right as my mother's gentle touch rested on my arm which made me stop in my tracks.

"Don't mind her honey, she's upset. Right now is the not the best time to have a conversation with your sister."

"I don't understand, Brooke doesn't get mad very easily. I mean, there has to be a good reason for her to be so heated. Mom..."

My mom stared at me blankly with no expression in her eyes or her face, if her look could talk it would say 'Don't get in to anything that isn't your business,' which immediately made me stop talking.

As an awkward silence dwelled over my mother and me, my dad walked back in to the restaurant with a defeated expression on his face, "Well, Brooke just drove off. I have no idea what her problem is, she wouldn't tell me anything. She was on the verge of tears," my dad said switching looks from me to my mother, "do you know anything about this, Linda?"

"No, I don't actually. I haven't seen her all day." My mother said as the world's fakest smile spread across her face, showing her pearly whites and her amazing, beautiful features.

"I can't help but feel as though we should go after her, who knows, what if her little mood gets the best of her and causes her to do something stupid?"

"I'm with dad; Brooke can't be acting this way over something small. There has to be a reason-"

"No," my mother said abruptly with an overbearing tone, her serious facial expression died back down into a not so convincing smile in an attempt to reassure us, "What I meant to say was, Brooke is an intelligent girl, she won't do anything irrational. I think it's just best what let her cool off for a while and enjoy the dinner we've booked for months in advanced. How's that sound?"

"You have a point, it is your birthday. Oh gosh, honey, what a terrible way to start off your birthday dinner." My dad chuckled, taking a sip from his drink.
"It's fine, let's just enjoy what's left of the night." My mother said as she flashed her gorgeous smile.

My mother might have my dad convinced; however, I wasn't too keen on underestimating Brooke. She wasn't in one of her 'little moods' because Brooke didn't have any and I was determined to find out what sparked Brooke's scene tonight even though I already had a feeling over what it concerned.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I waited up all night for Brooke's arrival yet she never made it home that night. I decided to give up on confronting her around 2:15 am.
The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing at 6:00 am. The house was strangely quiet for it being a Thursday morning except for the sound of rummaging cabinets being opened and closed in the downstairs kitchen. Instinctively, I hopped right out of bed as soon as I remembered that both of my parents had to be at work before six that morning and by now, they were probably long gone. So who was going through my kitchen?

I made my way down the stairs slowly with my heart pounding almost out of my chest. As I turned the corner to my kitchen, I saw a familiar physique facing the opened refrigerator door looking for food. It was Brooke.
"Brooke! What the hell are you doing? Where have you been all night?!" I made my voice heard.

My sister jumped and let out a screech, "Avery! Shit, you scared me half to death."

"I thought you were dead! What was the matter with you last night? Why did you storm out of the restaurant like that? You made such a huge scene. What happened?" I said out of breath as everything came out at once.

Brooke let out a long sigh and set down the butter and bagel she had in her hand and took another deep breath before speaking, "Look, I know how worried you must have been about me last night but I don't think telling you why I was so mad will do any good. It's probably best you stay out of this one, Eva."

I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to fulfill her role as an older sister by protecting me from the harsh world around us yet she was the clueless one here, "It's about mom, isn't it?"

Her eyes widened before she looked down and fixed a stare on the floor. She remained silent, trying to find the right words to say to me. After a few seconds went by without her answering me I asked again, "Brooke is it about mom?"

My words must have sunk in for she started to talk immediately after my question, "Yes."

"I knew there was something going on, I could feel it. I just didn't want to believe it, Brooke."

"Avery, mom is cheating on dad." She said bluntly.

Thanks again for reading, hope y'all enjoyed! :)
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