Chapter 11 - Fading Sunsets

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Another haunting nightmare had woken me up. This time Logan had gotten shot and was being lowered into the ground. No matter how fast I ran, I couldn't catch up to the casket bearing his dead body. His killer, my kidnapper, was close behind me holding the same gun used to murder Logan. He kept getting closer while Logan kept getting farther and farther away. All the while, the killer was harshly yelling at the top of his lungs, "You're next, sweetie!" My legs weighed a ton as I kept falling even more behind Logan's casket. The sinister man grabbed my arm and pulled me in his grasp, pointing the gun to my temple. As much as I tried, my screams were not heard and his dark, evil laugh grew louder as he pulled the roaring, mighty trigger. I woke up with my body covered in sweat and my heart beating a hundred miles a second.

Logan had woken up alarmed too with wide eyes, "What happened?"

I tried to hide the sweat surrounding my face and tried to bring my breathing back to normal, "Nothing I uh... It was a bad dream."

"About that monster, huh?" he remained gravely quiet.

I took in his alluring, delicate features being grateful that he dying was only in my dark, twisted dreams and not in reality.

"I should've killed him when I had the chance. Now all he's going to do is rot behind bars while you're going to be scared for the rest of your life. He deserves much more for what he did to you, that worthless excuse for a human being." His nostrils began to flare as he clenched his fists. He was serious.

"I wasn't scared of the guy so much... I was much more scared of losing you... In my dream. I just can't bear the idea of you dying because of me." I couldn't keep my tears from escaping any longer. His arms wrapped around my quivering body.

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Avery."

More tears formed because I knew he meant it. We continued in our comfortable silence for what seemed like eternity before Logan said, "You feel like heading out? Do you think you're strong enough?"

A nearby clock displayed the time in glowing, green numbers as four twenty-five in the morning. "They're just a couple of bruises."

"Don't forget about your head too." He pointed out with his lips forming a thin, straight line.

I had completely forgotten about the bandages around my forehead. I made my way to the restroom so I can closely examine the damages done. I carefully removed the bandages to find bloody scratches along my right temple. I took in a deep breath as I attempted to stop more tears from forming. Logan appeared behind me; his apprehensive, grim expression showing no emotion as he stared at my wounds. He placed his hands so he was gently cradling my face, his mood shifting as he appeared more sensitive and soft hearted. He lightly kissed my scratches and whispered, "You're still drop dead gorgeous."

~ ~ ~ ~

We left the hospital at around four forty-five when Logan insisted we get some breakfast. I knew for the rest of the trip, he would be overprotective when it came to me and my health so I didn't decline his invitation for food even though I wasn't remotely hungry. "C'mon, maybe a Denny's breakfast will cheer you up, it cheers me up," as he put it. I settled for a veggie skillet while Logan ordered the country-fried steak and eggs with extra toast and hash browns. The waitress taking our order tried to hide her wide eyes meanwhile I laughed.

"What? I can never get enough of toast and hash browns. They're delicious plus I'm starving."

The waitress smiled, a dimple appearing on the apples of her cheeks, "No problem. They'll be out in a bit."

When the food finally came, Logan had dived right into his plate I on the other hand picked at a few pieces of potatoes and bell peppers to satisfy him.

"You're going to need all your energy for today, Lancaster, so eat up." Logan said through a mouth full of hash browns.

"Why is that?"

"Well what better way to lift our spirits than to take a trip to the happiest place on earth?" he said smiling.

"We're going to Disneyland?" I said trying to keep my excitement to a minimum.

"Yup! The park opens at eight. We have a little bit over two hours to get ready and head out."

"If this is your way of making up for last night then I don't-"

"It's not. Can't a 17 year old take another beautiful 17 year old to Disneyland?" he sheepishly smiled.

I was laughing and blushing at the same time.

Logan's smile slightly faded as he said, "I just want you to be happy."

"I am. I don't care where we are: inside a car for a hundred some odd miles; a run down, cheap motel; or a rocky lake surrounded with smelly seaweed as long as I'm with you. Well, that's all I really need."

He smiled sweetly and reached for my hand across the table, "But Disneyland makes it better, right?"

We both laughed in the middle of the restaurant, oblivious to all the dirty looks we were getting.

The sun was just starting to rise behind the gorgeous skyline. The once dark blue sky was now filled with many different shades of pink that blended into hints of orange. The sun's rays through the brightly painted clouds illuminated the beautiful colors even further. I was captivated by the beautiful painting above that I couldn't take my eyes off the mystical sight. The flamboyant colors were fading with each passing minute but that didn't bother me for nothing ever stays the same. Everything is constantly changing and what you knew to be true last year isn't a guarantee it'll be the same a year from now. No matter how much you hold on to something, praying it'll remain the same, change is inevitable. There's no running away from it. All that's left to do is enjoy what's in front of you and appreciate its beauty for what it is at that very second because there's no telling what will become of it in the near future. And that's what I'm doing on out trip together, trying to separate myself from the past because there's no point in residing there because there isn't a damn thing I can do to change it. As for the future, it's ridiculous to worry over events that haven't happened yet, I have to learn to come to terms with what I can and cannot control and let everything come to place on its own. I've wasted an enormous amount of time stressing over my future and abnormally large amounts of time trying to find significance in my past. No more. Time is now. Right now is the time that's been promised to us. Enjoy its simplicity and beauty while you can in its purest form and learn to let go the unchangeable.

Thanks so much for reading guys! It means a lot to me! Sorry, I know nothing really happened this chapter but the next chapter will be jam packed with things happening and maybe a possible run in with the law?? Keep reading to find out!

As always



and follow! :)

Oh and hey if you like this story so far, refer it to your friends or your friend's friends too! Please help me get my story out there! I greatly appreciate it :)

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