I'll Be Home For Christmas

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Will POV

The harsh winter air hits my face as I walk out of my cabin. Today. Today is the day I leave camp for Christmas. Today is the day I will be showing Nico my hometown or at least the one I remember. See, I used to live in Texas, but when I got to camp my mom moved to a 3-decker in Massachusetts, to be closer to me. The snow crunches under my feet as I go to his cabin. I almost have to duck to get onto the porch of his cabin and knock on his door. He opens it and I walk inside.

"Ready to go? We're leaving in half an hour," I asked Nico knowing he probably had packed and repacked at least 3 times.

"No," He says obviously annoyed.

"Here let me help," I looked through the clothes he packed and see basically his entire closet in two backpacks. How he managed this I have no idea. "Looks like you've got everything. We can leave now if you want,"

"Okay let's go," He fidgets with his hands and gets up, "Wait! I forgot something," He goes to his closet and comes out with one of my sweatshirts. He throws it on, swimming in the light blue material, "Now I'm ready,"

We left his cabin with his bags and gifts and picked up mine before going to my light blue truck and throwing our bags and presents in the backseat. We jump into the front of the truck, and I start to drive and leave camp. He stares out the window, messing around with his seatbelt.

"You're nervous," I state, reading him

"I'm meeting your whole family, of course, I'm nervous. Probably more than when you met my dad."

"They're nice. I pretty much have my own apartment by the way,"

"You do?"

"Yeah, I live in a 3 decker, one of my aunt's lives above us, my mom and stepdad below, and one of my cousins lives in the same apartment I do but he's not there half the time, so I basically have it all to myself."

"Ok. " He says before going back to staring out the window, head leaning on the cold glass, eventually falling asleep. I put the music on and continue the 3-and-a-half-hour drive home.

We pull into the driveway hours later and I wake Nico up before grabbing our bags.

"Neeks, we're here,"


"We're at my house Neeks,"

"Oh," He says half asleep and gets out of the car, and searches for his bags before I hold them up. I unlock the door to go into the multi-colored building, looking past the first red layer to the two blue layers. We go up the first flight of stairs, to my apartment and ring the doorbell, just in case he has someone over. Nobody gets the door so I unlock it and go inside with Nico to see the place still not decorated.

"2 weeks to Christmas and Spencer still didn't decorate the place. Honestly, I'm not surprised," I state before seeing Spencer's door open and only him in his room probably still asleep. I enter his room and I was right, he never woke up this morning. I pour my water on him waking him up.

"WHAT THE-" He says and I start cracking up.

"Oh my gods. You should have seen your face," I choke out in between laughs

"Wow Will, first time I see you in months and this is how you greet me, fuck you too I guess" As much as Nico and I try to keep straight faces, we both burst out laughing, which calls Spence's attention that Nico is there.

"Who's the guy in the doorway? Your boyfriend?" He makes fun of me

"Yes actually. That's Nico."

"Nice. Hi," Nico waves at him

"Ok get dressed you're helping us decorate because you were too lazy to do it already," I tell him to leave his room and putting the bags in mine down the hall. How nice it is to be home. Now, don't get me wrong, I love camp, I've lived there for years, but I grew up here and know this city like the back of my hand. And not waking up early every day is just a little plus. My flag is on the wall next to a window. It can't be in view of anyone outside the apartment. It could result in death for me or getting hurt. That's the one thing I hate about being here. Along with monsters, there are people who would kill you for being LGBTQ+ so, I stay to myself most of the time.

"So do you want the tour?" I ask Nico, knowing he hasn't seen all of the hidden rooms.

"Ok Sunshine," I take his arm leading him out of the room, and go back to the door

"So this is the pantry, over there is the guest room," I tell him as we walk, "There is the dining room and behind that, there is a kitchen. The bathroom is across the hall and here is the living room and that doorway leads to a porch, stairs, and a storage closet. Any questions?"

Nico POV

"Come on, it's time to take out the tree and all the other stuff too." We go into the closet, get out the tree, and 5 bins full of holiday decorations. How are there so many bins? We start to go through the bins and 2 are full of nutcrackers.

"Gods, the Nutcracker bins, I haven't seen these in ages." Will reminisces, "I haven't been here for Christmas in ages."

"It didn't feel the same without you, ya know," Spencer adds while setting up the tree, "I was waiting for you two to get here to go to The Oval, I didn't even go with Jordy and Jack yet," Who are they again, wait, Jess' kids and Jess is his cousin so second cousins. Will laughs at that.

"They don't know how to skate yet?" He asks

"Nope remember Jordy is only 6 and doesn't live near a rink."

"Really? I expected better with you as their cousin,"

"Oh my God Will, Jess didn't want them to go until this year," He puts on some Christmas music and we start to put everything out. The easy things at first like the nutcrackers and things like garland, and once that is done, we start on the tree putting the bigger ones on the bottom and what Spencer calls the 'Will shrine and the mugshots' at the top of the tree. The white lights light up the tree and the corner it's in.

"I'll text Jess and ask about The Oval, you two unpack your bags" We walk back into his room and open up the bags. Will and I put his clothes away and go back out. He refills his water from a pitcher in the fridge and refills the pitcher so it can filter through.

"They can go!" I hear a yell from the other room.

"Do you wanna make cookies?" Will asks and we spend the next two hours baking cookies and getting covered in flour before the cookies are done. Will decorates his perfectly which is very different than my spread frosting with a knife method. We put them away after eating a few and go into his room after cleaning up.

When we walk in I finally take his room in. He has a flag up in one of the corners, a guitar next to his mirror, and band posters above his bed.

"So, what do ya wanna watch? We have a few hours until we go to the Oval and pick up the kids."

"Elf? I know it's your favorite Christmas movie," Will laughs and chooses it on Netflix and presses play. Will falls asleep on me halfway through it. The door creaks and I hear a woman's voice. I push away from him before I realize that there's the flag on the wall. Oh shit.

"Will! Get downstairs NOW!" I hear her yell, it must be his mom. Oh shit.

"WILL!", He wakes up and immidetly looks scared, as his mom charges into the room. She grabs his arm and rips him off the bed before I can say anything. She drags him to the stairs with Spencer looking slightly concerned but not completely unbothered by this, as if it was a normal occurrence. I start to gather our things, knowing that we might have to make a run for it. I hear her screaming at him and a loud thud like someone being pushed downstairs. I go faster and the yelling gets quieter like it's coming from the apartment below me, now I know that was him being pushed down the stairs. I go down the stairs to get ready to take him and shadow travel back to camp. And then I hear it. A singular gunshot rings in the apartment, the noise not blocked by a door.

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