7. A Clouded Mind

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Haneul paces in his living room anxiously waiting for Dae Ho's call. He's been calling him repeatedly but the latter didn't pick up. He still hasn't wrapped his head around what happened some time ago. Haneul does not want to assume anything but his brain says otherwise about the gunshots he had heard when he escaped from the alley. Different questions bombard his mind, making him queasy and uneasy. Is it safe to associate himself with Dae Ho? Is it normal for him to casually carry a gun daily? Haneul knew the risk of being involved in the underground business, but it didn't click until he saw Dae Ho holding a weapon. He hasn't been in dangerous situations and was lucky not to be involved with anything much threatening until now

He goes to the kitchen and gulps down a cold glass of water, but his lips still feel parched and his mouth runs dry. Haneul blames himself for the situation, Dae Ho wouldn't have used a gun if it wasn't to protect him. He thoughtlessly approached the men without considering the consequences. He is neither a good fighter nor a fast runner. Any sane person would inform the police and try to get help. But it would also jeopardize Dae Ho's position and Haneul values loyalty over anything. If the man could put himself in danger and let him escape to safety, this is the least he can do for him.

To calm his nerves, Haneul decides to take a hot shower. He enters the bathroom, switching on only the accent light above the countertop, wanting a lowly lit place. The place has Blanco Ibiza marble walls contrasted with dark Emperado flooring. A soak in the bathtub sounds tempting but Haneul opts for a quick shower instead. He places his mobile phone near the sink and undresses. The clothes drop on the floor, Haneul not in the mood to toss them in the bin.

He enters the glass shower door on his right and shuts it, then opens the tap and stands under the showerhead, letting the hot water stream down his body. The steam collects at the glass door and spreads throughout the shower space. Usually, Haneul would open the door because he feels suffocated but at the moment he revels how the steam clouds his thoughts just as it does to the glass. He stays still even after his body is clean, the water engulfing him.

The ringing of his mobile phone echoes in the bathroom, Haneul immediately getting out and taking a hold of it with his wet hand. "Where are you? I've been calling you since forever!" The doctor scolds holding the device between his ear and shoulder, reaching for a towel and wrapping it around his waist.

"I'm at the public sauna, why have you been calling me?" Dae Ho asks from the other line.

"What do you mean why, I've been worried sick thinking something happened because you didn't answer my calls. Are you hurt?"

"...oh," the silence from the next line is not assuring. "No...I'm alright."

"Let's meet at 7-eleven near your place. You have a lot of explaining to do." Haneul demands, drying his wet hair with a towel.

"It's late, let's talk later."

"What? No. I will not have a peaceful sleep until I know what happened." He needs to extinguish his worries. If Dae Ho is as dangerous as he thinks, there's no reason for him to associate with the man. He'll stay out of his way and bury his existence to Han Jisoo.

Dae Ho sighs. "...fine."

Haneul hangs up and throws his towel on the bed, taking out a pair of ripped jeans and hoodie and pulling them over his body, and then sprints towards the main door. He books an Uber and waits impatiently. The drive to the convenience store is short, the doctor's mind still jumbled with questions and fear about finding out what Dae Ho has to say in his defense.

Haneul saunters towards the man seated on the red plastic table, fidgeting with his motorbike keys. He is nervous, his hands clutching the insides of his pockets, steps getting slower as he approaches Dae Ho. He forgot about the gun when he talked to Dae Ho on the phone, but seeing the fighter now reminds him of the gunshots, the sounds fresh at the back of his mind. He doesn't realize he's staring at the said man until Dae He clears his throat gaining Haneul's attention, motioning him to take a seat.

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