24. Bandaids & Punches

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2 January, 6:07 P.M.

A new year brings new beginnings for some, remodels old resolutions for others, or is just another day for a few.

For Kim Haneul, the new year is just an extension of his old resolution: sleep at least for seven hours daily. The doctor hopes he'll accomplish it this year. But for Park Dae Ho, it is a whole new chapter. With the successful launch of Stoned Beauty's first male clothing line, people have been trying to find out about the face model on the company's cover page. It was Haneul that tweeted a selfie of him and Dae Ho, announcing his alienation from social media.

When Haneul got a copy of the issue for Dae Ho, it was a strange feeling to look at his own face staring back at him. There were other models who he thought would do much better as the cover, but Yoona disagreed. She wanted a new, fresh face and who was Dae Ho to undermine her orders.

Dae Ho paces back and forth in Haneul's living room, playing with his fingers. He's muttering incoherent words, his heart beating faster than usual. The room is warm and cozy but the model's hands are cold with nervousness.

"Stop moving around! You're transferring your anxiety to me," Haneul complains, the slapping of Dae Ho's feet against the floor irritating him.

The fighter ignores him, continuing his actions.  He's having second thoughts about meeting his parents, the uncertainty of not knowing what to expect keeping him on his toes. "I can't do this!" He admits, sprinting towards the main door but is yanked and pushed on the couch.

"Are you crazy! They will be here any moment now. What am I going to say if you're not here?"

"Tell them you're their son instead."

"I can't." Haneul scoffs but then grins. "Their long-lost son isn't as handsome and charismatic as I am."

Dae Ho chokes a laugh at the statement. "And I'm the model among the two of us, so..." he tilts his head with a sharply raised eyebrow.

Haneul brings a finger under his chin, thinking. "I don't kn-"

The bell rings drawing their attention, snapping their heads to the sound. Dae Ho stands up abruptly, his nerves rising even more.

"You can do this," Haneul tells him, patting his back before he goes to open the door.

The model's breath hitches when he sees Jisoo entering with a man and woman behind him. He freezes in place when they step into the living room, just as the couple's faces morph into shocked expressions. Their eyes widen and the woman trembles, her eyes welling up with tears. She stands appalled, her feet staggering and hands reaching out for Dae Ho.

Dae Ho stares at the two, taking in their features. The man is an older version of him and Jisoo, except for their nose, is similar to the woman. He stands there unmoving until Haneul gives him a soft push from behind.

"This is it," he whispers moving back.

The woman collects herself and pulls Dae Ho into a bone-crushing hug. Tears spill out of her eyes as soon as she feels her son in her embrace. "Y-you're...you— this is a m-miracle."

"I-I never thought— how is-"

"My H-Heesoo," she sobs, tightening her arms even more.

Dae Ho looks at Jisoo whose eyes are shiny as well but he's smiling. He feels his father snake arms around them, whispering and chanting his name. He is crushed between the two, but he doesn't mind. The model's heart swells up, all giddy, the warm embrace giving him a euphoric feeling.

Dae Ho has never felt the love of a parent, or at least, he doesn't remember it. Having an unfamiliar woman and man pull him into an embrace was something unnatural, something the old Dae Ho would push away without giving a second thought. His mind might've forgotten them, but the heart remembers the touch.

They stay in the same position for a few minutes, healing the scars engraved in their hearts years ago. Dae Ho slowly brings his hands around his mother's waist, the gesture sending a smile on everyone's faces.

After Dae Ho agreed on meeting their parents, Jisoo forced them to come to Seoul, telling them it was an emergency. He informed them about his twin being alive only when they reached Haneul's doorstep. "Heesoo is alive," is all he could say before the doctor opened the door.

Haneul stands back and watches the scene unfold in front of him. He's proud of himself and Dae Ho. The younger has come so far and changed for the better. It feels like yesterday when Dae Ho threatened to break his bones but now they would do the same for each other. Haneul gives a million-dollar smile when the model meets his eyes through his thick lashes, unspoken words being exchanged.

'Thank you for everything.'

For Park Dae Ho, Kim Haneul is a healing band-aid. A constant helping hand that reincarnated his belief in people. A man who connected with others through his heart before anything.

For Kim Haneul, Park Dae Ho is a thundering punch. A reminder that how many ever storms life throws, stand tall and survive. A man who could achieve anything with sheer determination and willpower.

 A man who could achieve anything with sheer determination and willpower

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Thank you to everyone who read this book. I hope you enjoyed reading. Do tell me how your thoughts about the whole story ^_^

Signing out,


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