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Your name is Steven Hessonite Universe and you have just finished a normal day of your life. The sun sits on the edge of the western horizon as you exit the MMA studio you regularly attend. The class ended about an hour ago, so most of the other students have already left for the day. You however decided to stay late and practice some more. That's why you're at the top of your class and likely to win the upcoming tournament in a few months. Anyway you're getting off track, it's time for you to grab your bike and go home. Home being the beach house you share with the crystal gems. Who are the crystal gems you ask, well they're a group of humanoid beings of light from another planet who fight to protect the earth from monsters. There's Pearl, Garnet, Bee, Shadow, Peridot, and Zoisite. Your mother, Yellow Hessonite used to be their leader. But she had to stop being the leader when she gave birth to you. As it turns out, the process of giving birth as a gem leads to dematerialization of the body. She died for you to be born which is depressing, but at least she'll always be with you since you quite literally have her gem. A squared bright neon yellow hessonite gemstone lays permanently attached to your upper torso, right where your mother had her's. You guess it's one of the many inherited traits you received from her. Some of your father's traits are present in your appearance too, but it's mixed with your mother's. You having slightly wavy dirty blonde hair and vibrant amber colored eyes are a few of the aforementioned mixed traits. There are many more features that you can link to either of your parents, but you have much more important things to do right now than waste time pondering over this useless topic. You quickly hope on your bike and start pedaling. You have to be home in a certain amount of time, otherwise Pearl will start panicking and immediately launch a nationwide search for the fifth time in your life. She the most impatient of the six crystal gems. Shadow and Bee are little more patient but would inevitably question the whole town on your whereabouts after ten minutes. Peridot would try tracking your phone. Garnet, well Garnet would most definitely be sitting on the big sofa in the living. Probably reading one of her romance novels because her future vision showed her when you would walk through the door. Then there's Zoisite, she wouldn't know what's going on since she was stuck in her room all day deciding on this year's holiday decorations. She would wait a few hours for you to get back, but will immediately hop on her small wooden helicopter to join the search. All of them are overprotective too say the least. But that's to be expected, you're their beloved former leader's organic son and they're immortal aliens who have been around ever since the literal Stone Age. And as such they want to protect you from everything that can cause a minor scrape. Which can be overbearing at times. You continue to mull over everything as the beach statue in the distance gets closer.

Upon getting onto the small beachside town, coincidentally named Beach City, you make a quick stop by the Big Donut. It's the only convenience store close by, and you have a craving for a Cookie Cat ice cream sandwich. Some say that they are the most childish thing to ever exist, but they bring you joy so you don't listen them. You open the store's door to see Sadie, one of the few employees standing behind the register ringing up another customer. Her blonde hair looks more disheveled than usual today. "Thank you for shopping at the Big Donut, where our appreciation for you is the only thing bigger than our donuts. Come again." She sounds a little tense when she repeats the mandatory company motto. "Ughh! Oh, hey Steven." She finally notices you standing next to coffee machine. "Hey Sadie are you ok? I've noticed that you don't look so good right now." Sadie's face begins to loosen a little. "I'm fine, it's just that my mom has been stressing me out with softball tryouts at school. Thanks for asking." You give her a small smile and turn to the small fridge that the holds cat themed confections you came for. To your dismay, it's empty. "What! Where are the cookie cats?" Lars one of the other employees steps out from the back with a box in his hands. "Lars, where are the Cookie Cats I need..." You quickly realize how needy and immature you sound right now. Time to readjust yourself. "Sorry about that, can you please tell me where I can find more cookie cats." Lars sighs. "They stopped making them. Those baby sandwiches couldn't compete with Lion Lickers. Now move, I have stocking to do." Lars stacks bags of various chips on the racks. "How could they lose to Lion Lickers? They taste horrible and don't even look like lions." Lars just shrugs. "How am I supposed to know why they couldn't compete, can't you just make some with you magical chest powers." You stare longingly at the small product styled freezer that once held the greatest treat to have ever existed. "It doesn't work like that, well I don't think it does." You pull on your collar to look at your gem. It just lays there, taking up space on your chest like Lars' ear piercings. Sadie decides to come out from behind the counter and walk towards you. "Steven, if you want, you can take the freezer home. It's not like we're going to be using it anyway." You gleefully smile as Sadie unplugs the machine and hands it to you. The cool metal make the hair on your back stand up. "Ooo that's cold." You wrap some wire between yourself and the machine to avoid causing freezer burn. "Thank you again Sadie." Sadie waves you off while Lars continues to do his job.

Your Mother, Yellow HessoniteWhere stories live. Discover now