Crystal Gem Training

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The sun sits high is the sky of a quiet beachside town. Everything is just perfect for a nice peaceful day. The breeze and water are cool and smooth enough for everyone to enjoy. Yet, not many are taking part of the lounging or admiration of the natural beauty. A few reasons for this are. It's currently early spring, so not many tourist are here visiting. And the town is very isolated. It's smack dab right in the middle of Ocean Town and Empire City. Ocean is an almost desolate place due the high risk of your property burning down overnight, and Empire City is way too busy to calm down once in awhile. Besides this city has something the others don't, a community. Families have lived here for generations so it's always relatively calm, except for a small house on the coast. The beachside house is home to a peculiar group of women who have deep roots in the city. The group are the descendants of the first people to settle in the area. They choose to seclude themselves from city affairs, and had for a couple decades.

That was until recent years. A new member of the family, a boy by the name of Steven Hessonite Universe has been explore the area for himself. He and his father are the connections from the outside world to the group. However the citizens haven't seen him for the past two days.


"Haha, oh Dogcopter you're hilarious!" Who would have guess that The Dogcopter was such a humble actor to have a nice conversation and brunch with one of his fans? To think that you almost believe those fictitious tabloids saying he isn't. "I'm glad to see I still have a shot in the comedy industry. My mother always said that I could bring a smile to the grumpiest of people, but enough about me. I wanna hear more about you as a Crystal Gem." He's says all of this while dipping a rook in his coffee. "Well, I guess I should tell you about me. As you already know, I'm a member of the great and powerful, Crystal Gems. We're dedicated to protecting the planet earth from all hostile entities." Dogcopter starts leaning in towards you while eating chess pieces. "Oh, really! How many missions did you go on? Did you fight any strong villains lately? Would you like some white bishops with your hot chocolate?" All these questions are making you a little nervous to say the last. "I aa..I've never actually been on a mission before. The gems won't allow me to join them because I don't know how to summon my gem weapon. Also because I'm a human." Dogcopter tilts his head in confusion. "If you don't join them on missions, then what do you do? Aren't you the son of the great gem commander Yellow Hessonite?" You are getting more nervous after every question. "Yes, I am her son bu..." He interrupts you. "Shouldn't you be able to summon your weapon easily?" That last question makes you mad. You slam both your hands on the wooden dining table. "Enough! Yes, my mom is Yellow Hessonite! But that doesn't mean that I should be a have an easier time doing what the gems can do! Peridot said it would take a while for me to do things since I'm a hybrid! However, I don't let that stop me now do I. I train for hours each and every day so I can one day join them, so that one day they can see me as an equal. It's not like you could summon a weapon you slinky reject." You cover your mouth as some tears fall down your cheek. How could you lose control of your emotions in front of him of all people. He probably thinks your some crazed fourteen year old. Letting all your regrets and emotions leaves you vulnerable, yet happy at the same time. "I must give my deepest apologies for upsetting you. It's clear that you are willing to go to any lengths to prove yourself. You don't really conform to the standard that are gems. You're more unique than the others. You are most certainly ready for what's to come in the near future." THUMP THUMP THUMP The world begins crashing  down all around the both of you as that sound intensifies. "Ahh!" You brace yourself for falling sky debris while Dogcopter continues to eat chess piece. "I suggest you open your eyes and don't feel discouraged if you fail at something. You're more special than you realize Steven!"


You instantly jerk upwards in a panic from where you were resting."Thanks Dogcop..oh, it was a dream." You've just had another one of those odd lucid dreams again. What do they mean? All of them are cryptic and full of bizarre messages. Let's hope that the gems won't restrict your t.v privileges because of this. You take your time to look around to see where you are. The walls are bare of any personal decorations, the surface that you woke up in isn't your bed, and there's a couple of boxes labeled Steven's old clothes. It's clear to say that you have woken up in the downstairs guest room/storage, or what's at least what's left of it. The walls have multiple scorched acid holes all over from those centipede-like corruptions. At least the gems put up blankets as makeshift walls for the time being. THUMP THUMP THUMP Huh, what is that noise? The sound of consistent thumping fills your ears as go to the door on the others side of the room. Upon opening the door, you see the gems in various stages of unease. Pearl is pacing back and forth with a terrified look on her face in the kitchen. Peridot is rereading her book of human anatomy with the upmost concentration. Bee and Shadow are sitting on the couch shaking their feet impatiently with grim looks on their faces. Meanwhile, Garnet and Zoisite are busy trying to repair the damage to house from that corruption attack. At least none of them are acting out of character. You barely take a step out of the doorway when Garnet spots you. "Good morning Steven, I hope you slept well. We were all worried for you." Garnet's small greeting gets everybody's attention. Pearl's head swivels in a inhuman way when she hears that you're awake. She immediately does an acrobatic flip over the kitchen counter and bolts towards you. "Oh my stars, you're finally awake! We all thought that you wouldn't and we waaa!" Large globes of tears stream down Pearl's pale yellow cheeks. Then Bee walks over and lifts the both of you to make a small group hug. "Hey guys, I'm perfectly okay. I was only taking a short nap, you don't need to worry about me." Peridot shakes her head. "Steven, you've been unconscious for several days already. Four days to be exact." Oh. No wonder they were all anxious when you opened the door. "I'm sorry for worrying you guys so much. I guess I'm not meant to be a Crystal Gem if I can barely summon my sword." Now you are crying, but their minuscule compared to Pearl. "Don't belittle yourself like that." You lift your head to see Shadow standing next to Garnet. "Remember you successfully summoned your gem weapon on your second attempt. All you require is training and then you might be able to summon it without any serious repercussions on your physical health." She brushes your hair with fingers as she speaks. "Yeah man. All you need to do is train than you'll be a badass like yellow!" Shouts Zoisite while jumping up and down in the corner. Pearl and Shadow get ticked off at Zoisite for that. "ZOISITE! DON'T CURSE IN FRONT OF STEVEN/STEPHAN!" Bee begins to laugh hysterically at the exchange. "Ahh, oh my sides." She immediately drops both you and Pearl on the floor so she can hold herself. You take the time to take a look of your current appearance. It turns out the gems had changed your clothes since that day, but unfortunately you're drenched in sweat from that odd lucid dream earlier. A shower right now sounds like a great idea. You pick yourself up and head to your room to grab a change of clothes. Since it's a mundane task, you switch to autopilot so you don't hear Garnet yell "Don't walk over there!" The floor collapses underneath your weight in seconds. You close your eyes and tighten your fists as fear and adrenaline actives your self-perseverance. Something fills your hands and you stop falling. The gems run to try and help but gasp as the look down. You open your eyes and see that there's a giant yellow sword imbedded in a support column. "Steven are you okay!" You don't know how to answer the question. Are you fine? "I don't know? Can you guys help me?" Zoisite throws her outstretched arms at you to try and lift you. Bee helps out by holding onto Zoisite. "Thanks!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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