Chapter 1

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"This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Cheating, Drug usage, or any Sexual crime is legal during the Purge.All other crimes such as murder or manslaughter is NOT permitted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all sexual crimes, including rape, will be legal for 24 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until the next day at 9 a.m., when The Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all."

July POVApril 10,2019Tarzana, California

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July POV
April 10,2019
Tarzana, California

Last year wasn't a normal year for the United States. Every since we got this dumb ass president Micheal Yorkens the country has been going downhill, my life has been going downhill. Starting with my marriage...I can't even divorce this sick bastard I use to love. He's fuckin cheating on me....WITH MY SISTER!!

You ask "sis what you do bout it"....well...not a damn thing. I wanted to kill them both but I'd go to jail IMMEDIATELY!! I tried to divorce him but the government won't allow it.

You ask "why the hell not"....well the government claims that since the cheating happened during The Purge, there isn't any issue and they will not waste their time on a case like mine.

Oh and that ain't all. I can't even beat my sister ass cuz she'll press charges AND there won't be a case needed...I'll be arrested immediately.

I'm not the only person pissed about this. There's lots of females with the same issue...even some men. The government want us to go crazy...they want us to kill ourselves over this.

There's people with worst issues like getting raped during The Purge and the government don't give a fuck.

During the Purge EVERY drug you can think of is legal. Folks would get addicted quick and get arrested for using it after the purge....the government knows EXACTLY what they're doing...

When Micheal Yorkens was put into office he came up with this "Purge" nonsense and lots of folks enjoyed it. My husband Derrick DEFINITELY loves it. It's the time he cheats and lay up with my sister. He's been doing it for 2 years.

See president Yorkens has been in office for 5 years. Me and Derrick never entertained it until the fourth year. Last year was the worst because more women were getting raped then before.....TEENS were getting raped...but nobody cares.

The government just want us to sit back and let our husbands cheat...we're suppose to enjoy it! Ha! They want us to cleanse ourselves....let out all that we hold in.....ok President Yorkens....ok Derrick... imma give you JUST what you want. I'll participate but you'll wish I never did......

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